briar was standing in the middle of the room waiting for harry to tell them what they were going to be learning/practicing today.

harry explained that they were going to be using the impediment jinx on each other.

everybody nodded and went to their partners.

briar turned to go and meet with neville again but ron stepped in front of her before she could move.

"partners?" he asked, his voice going slightly higher on the last syllable.

"oh, i'm sorry ron, i was going to go with neville again. you know, cause we were partners last time... besides, i think hermione is waiting for you." she spat out her last sentence with a bit of passive aggressiveness.

she stepped past him and walked towards neville.

as she looked back to see ron walking towards hermione her chest bubbled with jealousy. but it didn't matter, because in a little while she would be going on a date with fred weasley. who just so happened to be ron's brother. was this just to spite ron? maybe a teensy tiny part of it was. but any girl would fall over themselves just to talk to fred or george. she guessed she should consider herself lucky and not think about his brother.

"oh, you want to be partners again?" neville asked surprised.

"yes, of course i do. why wouldn't i? we were last time werent we?" she smiled up to him as she created space between him and herself. "you wanna go first?"

he performed the spell well. slowing down briar for a few seconds.

after a while of going back and fourth, slowing the other down. neville started to get a really good grip on it, making briar slow down much longer than before.

she really didn't like the impediment jinx.

the feeling of not being able to control herself made her itch with rage.

but nonetheless, every time neville would successfully jinx her, she would congratulate him, forcing a smile.

she really did mean it when she would tell him how good he was doing, but the feeling itself made her uncomfortable.

soon harry rounded everybody up to leave at different times, to not make anyone suspicious of them.

ron was waiting for briar to walk with her back to the common room.

as they left the room of requirement ron began to talk about how he only needs one more chocolate frog card left until his collection is complete.

once they reached the common room, before ron spoke the password he turned to her, "wanna hang out? just you and me? we haven't done that in a little while."

"i can't, i'm sorry. i have plans to meet someone at hogsmeade."

she felt bad kind of lying to him, but she wasn't even sure if this would turn into anything, so she didn't want to make a big deal about it.

"oh. well maybe when you get back?"

"yeah, i should be back after dinner." she turned to the fat lady and muttered, "mimbulus mimbletonia."

just before she opened up the entrance, she made sure to harmonize for them.

ron rolled his eyes while briar nodded. just as ron opened his mouth to tell her to 'open the bloody door already' briar grabbed his hand to stop him.

he looked down at their entwined hands and nothing else.

she looked over to see him zeroing in on their hands.

once she heard the door creak open she let go, thinking he didn't like it, and waved for him to follow her in.

just as ron was about to speak to her, she ran up straight to the girls dormitories. running into her dorm and slamming the door shut behind her.

she leaned up against the wall and scolded herself for making things so awkward.

just as she was about to take a nap, she remembered her date with fred.

she went into her trunks searching for something just a bit more flattering than her other clothes.

maybe a dress?

figuring it was probably going to be more chill than romantic, she put on a small red dress with a black sheer layer over it to bring out the colors accents.

she grabbed a little bag with her money inside and slipped on a pair of doc martens.

since it was still sort of the beginning of the school year, it was still fairly warm out.

she grabbed some jewelry and smudged on some eyeliner to make her eyes pop before she ran out of her dorm and down the stairs.

she peered into the common room seeing ron sitting on the couch he usually sits at, his right arm swung over the top reaching out, as if he was preparing to put his arm around someone, and his legs spread slightly apart, one of his legs bouncing up and down.

harry was sitting on the floor, polishing his broom.

hermione was sitting on the floor, perched up on the couch reading.

as briar crept down to walk by without getting ron's attention she heard a split second of what ron was saying, "...i mean, who do you think she's meeting?"

she looked back to see harry looking down at his broom handle shaking his head muttering something like, 'i don't know, sorry mate.' while hermione just turned the page to her book acting like she wasn't listening to him, even though she was sitting closely enough to probably hear him whisper.

briar shook her head as she climbed out of the common room door, making her way out of the castle and down to hogsmeade to meet with fred.

get excited cause there's some stuff planned.

also this timeline is so messy. i totally forget when harry's broom gets taken by umbridge, and i feel like that already happened. so let's just pretend quidditch hasn't started yet, but it's starting very soon.

idk sorry i'm very bad with timelines, especially since it is already set out and i can't make it up.

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