tw: weed usage

"i can't believe you're real."

briar couldn't hold back her smile as she laid facing ron.

she started blushing so much she could feel her face heat up with embarrassment, resulting in her pulling the burnt orange sheets up covering her face, and uncontrollably laughing.

"oh- come on love, don't do that." he chuckled, pulling down the sheets from her hands with ease because he was stronger than her.

when the sheet fell away he could see her looking up at him through her big doe eyes innocently.

she flipped over so she was resting on her elbows laying beside him as he was laying on his side, propped up by his own arm.

ron just stared intently into her eyes as if time slowed down.

briar accepted, looking into him as well, her nerves and embarrassed feelings fading away as she lost track of time gazing into his eyes.

after what felt like seconds yet hours at the same time, ron tenderly brushed stray hair out of briar's face.

pulling back, for just a second, he took a breath in, realizing he still got nervous around her. he figured he'd never not be nervous around her. for she was perfect.

with his hand resting delicately on her cheek, he lightly pulled her jaw up to him, closing the gap between them, kissing her softly, yet passionately at the same time.

right as briar took it further, swinging her leg over his waist, there was a violent knock at the door.

"briar! b, are you in there?!"

it was harry.

spooked from the suddenness, briar gasped and tensed against ron's hands that laid on her waist.

"i swear to merlin..." briar mumbled to herself as she rolled to the other side of the bed.

"is ron in there?! i've been looking for him everywhere but haven't found him." harry asked, his voice slightly muffled between the thick wooden door.

briar groaned as she threw her head back, rubbing her eyes with her hands tiredly.

"say you don't know where i am." ron whispered quickly into her ear.

she stood up from the bed and went over to the closed door, "um- sorry harry, i don't know where he is. and im trying to take a nap so... leave me alone." briar replied.

she could hear harry groan loudly from the other side of the door, "fine."

once she heard harry's footsteps decreasing, she turned around to face ron, biting her lip as she smiled widely, jumping back on top of him.

"so, what do you wanna do?"

it was silent for a second as briar thought. suddenly, her face broke out into another huge smile.

"what? whatcha thinking?" ron laughed.

briar moved closer to his face,

"wanna get high?"


it was already getting late, so they figured ron's parents would start going to sleep soon.

"i'm sure fred and george have some." ron thought aloud.

"well, come on then." briar stood up, pulling ron off of the bed towards the door.

when they got to the twins room, briar knocked quietly.

george came to the door, instantly smiling down when he saw their guest. "what brings you to our room dear rose?" he taunted.

"something we need to discuss." she pushed the door open and let herself and ron in.

"ah, to what do i owe the pleasure. my dear youngest brother, and the love of my life." fred chuckled from his bed.

cutting right to it, briar sat down on a chair speaking clearly, "we want weed."

the twins looked to each other smirking.

"we'll pay." ron added.

"yeah?" george asked, looking over to fred for confirmation. fred shrugged and nodded in agreement.

"but-" fred quickly interrupted, "briar, no charge. ronniekins, pay up."

ron rolled his eyes, "i'm your brother."

"even more reason." fred snickered.

"fine." ron spat out, clearly annoyed.

he went to his room to grab some money while briar stayed in the twins room with them.

"so, briar, are you and ronald finally an item?" george asked as he tossed a small ball to fred.

her cheeks started to blush slightly but she kept her ground and looked at them comically. "no."

fred rose his eye brow and looked to his brother, "do you believe that forge?"

"not for one second gred." george laughed catching the ball his brother threw back to him.

"believe what you want, i don't care." briar shrugged nonchalantly.

ron burst through the room, causing george to accidentally drop the ball. "all right, how much you want?"


by the time they had gotten everything they needed, molly and arthur were back in their room for the night.

briar and ron went down the stairs as quickly and quietly as they could, not being able to stop their tiny chuckles at the other.

eventually, they crept out the door and sat against the wall of the house.

the air was warm and nice, briar hated humidity.

ron started rolling himself a joint when he looked up to see briar just watching him. "what's the matter?"

"nothing." she shook her head though he could feel herself blushing profusely, thank god it was pretty dark outside.

"well, come on then and roll yourself one too." he laughed.

briar pursed her lips and took a breath. "could you maybe, roll one for me?" she spoke slowly.

he glanced up as a smile rose to his face, watching her embarrassed and innocent expression. "yeah, sure."

ron tossed the finished joint aside and started on the second one, gently trying not to let any of it go to waste. "and why do you want me to roll yours for you?"

she hesitated, she had no reason to be nervous around him, but she still was at times. "i like the way you do it, i like watching you do it." she spoke softly.

"and why's that?" ron asked, knowing he was pushing it.

he brought the thin paper to his lips as he slid his tongue against it to stick.

briar chewed on the inside of her mouth awkwardly, not taking her eyes off him.

"because it's hot." she finally admitted.

he smirked up at her, as he started leaning in, watching her lips.

gaining back confidence, she tilted her head and brought her mouth up to his ear,

"i wanna smoke."

she whispered, pushing away from him and lighting up a joint.

he sat in front of her, mouth slightly hung open, trying to calm himself down, as briar brought the makeshift cigarette to her lips and inhaled.

sitting back and against the wall, her eyes focused on the red hair in front of her.

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