i'm currently feeling numb/sad so i hope writing this fills the void😀

tw: mentions of sex

after that, it seemed like they were always trying to go at it.

stealing glances across the room, walking out of the great hall a few seconds after the other, sneaking off to meet in secluded areas.

as much as ron wanted to show her off, and brag to everyone how she liked him, briar told him she liked the excitement from sneaking around, she said it made her feel, 'liberated'.

scared she would get bored of him if they showed affection in public, ron just nodded along, being with her was enough.

it was easy to say, they were at it like bunnies.

ron was constantly getting turned on by the tiniest of things.

when she would arch her back when she was putting up her hair, her parading around him in her short school skirts, the way her long fingernails would tickle his skin.

she knew what she was doing.

briar was in the common room talking with harry, blushing when he would ask about ron.

it was clear to see that harry was sad, you could see it from a mile away.

when briar wasn't off with ron, she was hanging out with harry.

it became almost like second nature.

he started to feel like a brother to her.

like cedric's void was filled.

as much as she felt bad about harry almost 'taking' cedric's place, harry made her feel the way cedric did. he was like a watered down version of cedric.

she still couldn't help but make her similarities between them.

but, she would quickly push them away, reminding herself that they weren't the same person.

ron would always try and sit down between them, or join the conversation, or pull her away from harry.

she realized fast that he could get jealous very easily.

she honestly kinda liked it.

the possessiveness.

"remember, the next DA meeting is tomorrow." harry reminded her.

"i know, harold." briar rolled her eyes comically.

as he was about to respond, he got cut off by ron sitting down next to briar. "hey bri, wanna play wizards chess?"

as much as she wanted to say yes after hearing his nickname for her, she shook her head, "i'm talking to harry-"

"no it's ok," harry interrupted, "you two have stuff you need to do."

briar crinkled her nose in disgust, "no we don't-"

"great, thanks mate." ron tugged on briar's hand, pulling her to the corner of the common room.

"my dorm is empty..." he smiled down to her, cheekily.

she rolled her eyes playfully, "we already hooked up twice today!"

ron pinched her cheek playfully, "yeah, well... third times a charm."

"so i wasn't good?" she scoffed sarcastically as she swatted away his hand from her face.

his face instantly drained of color, "what?! n-no! you were brilliant- i didn't mean-"

she stopped his stuttering by laughing, "oh ronald, it's as if you'll never understand sarcasm."

he shook his head in annoyance, "come on, it won't be empty forever." he grabbed her hand and lead her to the middle of the common room loudly speaking, "hey... briar! i have that potions textbook you were asking for, in my dorm. would you like to come up and grab it?"

she scoffed at how obvious he was, pushing past him, walking towards the boys dormitories.

once they were in the hallway and the chatter of the common room faded away, she turned around abruptly, "could you be any more obvious!"

"what?" he shrugged innocently, "we needed an excuse."

briar couldn't stop the smile growing to her face at his cluelessness. "whatever, just show me which dorm is yours."

he walked ahead of her, turning around every few seconds to make sure she was still following, like she was a lost puppy he had found on the side of the road.

ron opened the door, peeking his head in, "ok, they're gone."

he pushed the door open more to let her walk in.

she didn't know what she was expecting it to look like, but it certainly wasn't what she was looking at.

almost all the blinds were closed, causing ron to have to turn on a lamp. it was messy, things lying around the floor, she knew she couldn't judge too much cause she had clothes and books lying on her floor too. the room was masked with a slight aroma of muggle male body spray, quickly realizing ron didn't seem to wear it. his scent was more of a homey feeling, not a high of testosterone.

if she was being honest, she kinda liked the smell of cologne and guy's body spray.

she couldn't help it, everyone else she knew either didn't like it or didn't mind it, but she had a fondness for it.

"sorry, it's kinda a mess." ron nervously chuckled as he kicked away a stray sweatshirt.

she frowned, "eh, i was expecting worse, i guess."

"why didn't we just go to my dorm?" she questioned.

his face flushed, "well, we never come here... i thought it would be like a... change in scenery?"

"awww, you're so nervous, it's cute."

blushing even more, he ignored her comment and pointed his wand at the door, performing the silencing and locking spell.

"so... um," he laughed nervously as he sat on what she presumed to be his bed, "what should we begin with?"

shutting him up quickly, she sat herself facing him, with her legs sitting on the side of his.

she leaned down kissing him, tugging at the end of the hair behind his head.

they had both learned new things about the other that only someone would know if they were shagging, what would probably surprise people if shared.

like, briar wasn't very vocal in bed. if you didn't know her too well, you would assume she wasn't into it. but, ron could tell she was by examining her facial expressions, her breath hitching and gasping, and the occasional noises she couldn't help but release when she was close.

she also always seemed to bounce back quickly after they were done. by her breathing going back to a normal pace very quickly, and her ability to go on and go back to what she was doing before.

he knew it did make an impact on her because she would always sit down or lay back for a few minutes, her body easing back into normal, and how she would praise him afterwards or sometimes during.

ron, on the other hand, he was the opposite.

he was pretty loud.

he was always moaning on, letting her know she was doing something right, hardening his grip on her, and exhaling heavily.

he also was either more nervous than her at the beginning, after a few moments growing more confident, or ready at the start.

the silencing spell was more for him honestly.

they hadn't done anything where it was the traditional definition of 'sex'.

but they knew they were both very close to breaking that, craving it more as they went on.

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