yo i took the sats and it literally sucked so bad. let's pray i did well 🙏

before she even realized it, briar and ron were pushed inside umbridge's office being held back by two different slytherins. ginny, neville, luna, hermione, and harry were there as well.

harry was seated with umbridge above him threatening to know why he was using her fireplace.

eventually hermione caused a diversion to get umbridge out of the office with harry.

while they were doing that, everyone started using defense skills to beat off the slytherins.

briar couldn't get to her wand so she kicked whoever was holding her back in the shin, causing them to yelp and grab their leg in pain.

on their way out, they ran into hermione and harry again, and everyone was fighting on the matter of if everyone should go to the ministry with harry, hermione, and ron.

harry explained it was too dangerous while ginny rolled her eyes at him and pressed on.

briar honestly just wanted to take a nap.

was it bad that she wasn't exactly itching to go on this mission with them? maybe.

a part of her wanted to make sure her friends and ron were safe, and another part of her knew it was very risky.

ultimately briar ended up coming with them, flying on the back of a thestral.

the adventure soon took a sour turn resulting in death eaters attacking them.

by the end of it, she had watched sirius die, bellatrix get chased by harry, voldemort and harry battling, and dumbledore somehow making an appearance and causing the fight to end.

back at the castle, just about everyone was in the hospital wing recovering from different injuries.

briar had been beaten down pretty bad with a head injury, a broken leg, and other tiny injuries that were more easy to treat to.

as soon as briar saw harry again she hugged him as tightly as she could. granted, they hadn't talked much in the past while, but he had just watched the last piece of his family die.

she told him he didn't have to hold back any of the emotions he was feeling, causing him to let one tear slip before coughing it off and regaining his composure.

soon enough, it was time for summer.

briar was able to stay with the weasleys different parts of the summer while she was with her mom for the other parts.

not many people still knew about her and ron.

it had been so long of them being together and they hadn't even defined what they were yet.

maybe she would finally gather up the courage to talk about it with him over the summer.

i mean sure, people had their speculations, but they didn't really say much, or anything at all, because in all honesty, they didn't really know what it was to themselves.

they had made arrangements that ron would visit her sometimes when she was with her mom when she wouldn't be at the burrow, sometimes bringing ginny, fred, george, and harry along too.

harry and briar had regained their friendship in the last few bits of school.

besides ron, she was the only other person he really talked to about what he was going through.

as much as she was greatful that harry was talking to her, and not keeping in his emotions, she also couldn't help but constantly think about how alike him and cedric were, and get flashbacks to when cedric would vent to her about his mother's death.

she didn't mean to see harry as a supposed cedric 2 but she couldn't help it. even after a year without him, briar still mourned for her best friend.

harry seemed to be doing the same in return though, he saw briar as a sort of 'substitute' cedric as well. with them being so close, growing up together, it wasn't surprising to think briar was like cedric.

anyways, it was the next morning they were set to leave for the summer.

briar hated summer, she loved the cold, but, was excited to be able to go swimming. no school and swimming were the only two things she genuinely liked about summer.

ron and briar were sitting on her bed as ron excitedly talked about wizards chess while tracing his fingers up and down her arm.

changing the topic, ron cleared his throat, "so, uh- what do you think we'll do on break?"

"hmmm, i don't know, just hangout mostly i guess." she answered.

"we have this creek near the house, it's great for swimming." ron but his lip, looking down to her, awaiting for her approval.

she turned her head so she could see up to him, "that sounds marvelous. and, i know this bakery just down the street from my house, it's got so much sweets, you'll love it."

toulouse jumped up onto the bed, resting herself on briar's stomach.

"are you going to be bringing that beast?" ron squinted at toulouse.

"of course ronald, i bring her with me everywhere." briar rolled her eyes, as she stroked her cat's fur.

ok idk if you guys care but me and that girl i was talking about earlier are doing really well 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 she's coming over this weekend so i'm excited and nervous. update: she got sick and couldn't come over :(


also i've been manifesting a lotttt lately and i think it's working. i highly suggest trying it.

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