before they knew it, it was new year's eve.

the holiday seemed to have flown by.

"i don't want to go back to school." ron groaned into briar's stomach.

"i know." she fake pouted for him as she played with his hair.

they were laying in briar's bed, him laying on top of her, hugging her waist, his head cozied on her stomach. she was underneath him, playing with his hair quietly.

they quickly peeled off of each other when there was a knock at the door, their moment getting cut short.

briar opened the door to see ginny on the other side.

"mum told me to tell you dinners almost ready." ginny said as briar kept the door cracked, only showing her face.

"great." briar replied bluntly.

"have you seen ron? i need to tell him too." she asked trying to get a look into briar's room.

briar quickly moved herself in front of ginny's view, "nope, cant say i have, sorry."

ginny eyed her quizzically, "why are you acting so strange?"

"because... im... changing. im changing my clothes. and i don't want you to see me half naked."

ginny blushed, "oh- alright."

she swiftly turned on her heel and walked towards the stairs.

"did you hear that?" briar asked ron as she closed the door behind her.

"about dinner? or you 'changing' because yeah to both." he answered smirking up at her from the bed.

she rolled her eyes, ignoring his comment, "you wanna go down now?"


just as briar rested her hand on the doorknob, ron called her to wait.

"what's wrong?" she asked with wide eyes.

"how are we going to kiss at midnight?" he questioned, taking a step towards her.

"what makes you think we would be kissing ronnie?" briar said, her voice laced with sarcasm that he couldn't ever seem to pick up.

"well- i- cause we've been- you know-" he stuttered hopelessly.

"im messing with you, darling." she smiled as she wrapped her hands around his neck.

ron let out a silent breath of relief. "yeah, i knew that."

she laughed, crashing her head into his chest, "oh, you crack me up, ronald."

his cheeks turned tomato red in an instant, but quickly regained his confidence again. "so... how are we gonna kiss?"

briar paused her laughter and thought for a moment, "right. um, we can sneak off somewhere, just before it turns into the new year."

he nodded in agreement, "ok."


after dinner, everyone was stationed in the living room, it was already 10 pm. only two more hours to go.

they tried to make the time pass, but it seemed like it would never turn to midnight.

"is it ever gonna turn to bloody midnight?" ron moaned, staring at the clock.

"why do you care so much ronnie?" george pinched his cheek condescendingly. "yeah," fred continued for his twin, "it's not like you've got anyone to kiss anyways."

"yeah? well, you lot don't either!" ron countered.

"besides," ginny chimed in, coming out of no where and scaring her brothers, "most of us here are siblings."

the twin brothers looked at each other and shrugged before walking off to presumably their next prank.

meanwhile, briar was sitting on the couch with harry, stroking toulouse lovingly.

after some silence between them, harry blurted out, "do you think you'd be here if cedric was still alive?"

briar whipped her head up to him once she heard cedric's name.

she was quiet for only a second before answering, "i don't know... probably not."

harry rose his eyebrow at her, she knew that meant to explain.

"um- well- around this time of year we usually would spend it together."

harry nodded as briar went on.

"we would always make strawberry shortcake new year's eve because we both liked it. i would always be doing most of the work while he just tried stealing tastes of the ingredients, and on christmas, we would always get a joke gift for the other. when we were younger he would build a snowman and i would make a snow woman to be his girlfriend. and when we would get tired of that, we'd make snow angels and have snowball fights till our fingers would freeze up and our teeth would chatter so bad we couldn't get out a full sentence." she laughed to herself.

once she came back down from her memory, her smile faded slightly.

"but anyways, enough about me" briar looked to harry, "how was christmas at the dursleys?"

"horrid." harry answered blankly.

"they never got me any presents, so you'd imagine how surprised i was when i got some back in first year at hogwarts." he smiled to her, making light of the situation.

harry scratched his head awkwardly before changing the topic, "do you ever wonder what they are thinking about?" he referred down to the cat laying between them sound asleep.

"all the time." briar chuckled.


before they knew it, after almost two hours of talking, playing wizards chess, and playing silly games together, it was finally time.

briar was standing next to ginny as she stared at the clock with a minute to spare.

"i'll be right back gin, i wanna go get something from my room."

"well hurry back! it's almost time!" ginny cried out to her as she ran up the stairs.

briar looked at the different doors whispering "psst" every few seconds at the wall.

"psst, pss-" she was caught off by feeling someone pull her into a closet.

she yelped at the suddenness, then relaxed once she saw ron's red hair.

"howd you get up here faster than me?" briar questioned.

"i said i had to pee- now come on we've only got 25 seconds!" he held up a wristwatch to her face.

"where'd you get that from?" she asked, reaching out to look at the watch.

"i stole it off my fathers muggle collection." he explained impatiently. "ok, ten seconds."

he stared down at her lips as he counted down the time.

"five... four... three... two..."

before ron could say 'one' briar crashed her lips into his.

their lips moved against each other in synchronization.

after a moment, briar pulled back, causing ron to move forward, wanting to close the space between them again.

she held her finger up to his lips, "later." she whispered.

before he could comprehend what happened, she had already left and closed the door behind her with a silent click. leaving him there, flustered and anticipating more.

sorry if this sucks i'm a little rusty lol

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