tw: smut

briar walked out of ron's room feeling accomplished with herself.

she has him wrapped around her finger.

as she walked down the stairs, she noticed everyone else packed into the house, freezing from the cold.

the twins and ginny rushed to the fireplace, scaring toulouse in the process.

fred gulped down briar's hot chocolate so fast she didn't even notice her mug was empty until she brought it up to her lips.

"ginny!" she called out angrily.

"what?" ginny groaned, still extremely cold.

"why did you drink all my hot chocolate? i didn't even get a sip!" briar questioned her.

fred began laughing, which made briar turn her attention to him, realizing ginny wasn't the culprit.

"you." she pointed to him. "go make me another one." briar ordered.

"what if i don't want to?" fred taunted.

"well, you better because you drank all of mine!" she shouted at him.

george brought the corners of his mouth down showing his teeth as he breathed in, "yikes, better get in the kitchen, freddie."

briar sat back down in her seat, starting to feel a bit warmer.

harry toppled through the door out of breath and pale faced.

"harry?" briar looked at him as if he was a ghost, "why were you out there longer than all of them?"

out of no where, fred appeared on harry's side and ruffled his hair, george laughing by harry's other side, "because, we left him out there to clean up."

briar rolled her eyes and walked over to harry, pulling him over to the couch with her, wrapping her blanket around him.

"you really don't have to do this briar..." harry told her, red faced.

despite being embarrassed about having briar tuck him into the couch, he didn't resist or get up when she was finished.

she sat down next to him, taking notice of the fact that they hadn't talked very much in a while.

she couldn't explain why or how, but harry was the closest living thing she had to cedric.

he reminded her of him so much.

and when she would hangout with harry, she would feel as if cedric was still there with her.

maybe because of their similarities she saw, and cedric's certain circumstances, she felt like harry was a replacement cedric. and that this time she could do right what she didn't do with cedric.

"we need to spend more time together, harry." she blurted out, "i feel like it's been months since we've hung out."

"yeah... i've just been super busy with, you know who." harry awkwardly laughed, trying to make the moment more light hearted.

just as briar was about to reply, fred sat down in between them and handed briar her new hot chocolate.

molly bounded through the front door, carrying bags of food.

"dinner will start soon children!" out of breath, she smiled warmly to the kids all spaced out in the living room.

"finally," ron grumbled, "i'm starving."

"me too." briar rested her head back sighing.

all throughout dinner, ron would place his hand on briar's thigh, moving upwards slowly as the time went on.

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