for the whole summer briar stayed locked up in her house. her mother was gone most days because she had to work, but whenever briar called or told her she needed her, she would instantly come to her aid.

she canceled her summer plans with ron, obviously. or else she would probably be sulking in another person's home instead of her own. he understood of course. and told her to take all the time she needs to grieve.

but she doesn't think she will ever not grieve for cedric, he was her family. he had been with her, her entire life, and now she doesn't know how to cope.

she convinced herself it's on her, for depending on cedric so much to the point where if, and he did, leave she wouldn't be able to live on the same way.

soon it was the beginning of a new school year.

briar didn't want to go back to hogwarts, it was just an endless reminder of what she lost. but her mother told her she had to go, that she could write to her any time she needed, and overall to be strong.

she gave her mom a tight hug goodbye before she stepped onto the train.

searching for an empty seat was anything but easy. she surprisingly didn't run into anyone she didn't want to see.

once she found an unattended compartment, without hesitation, she slid the door open and sighed as she sat down onto the cushioned seat.

once the train ride ended, she saw the carriages to the castle were almost all full besides one with luna. knowing luna wouldn't smother briar too much, she went to sit next to her, "hello."

"oh briar. it's lovely to see you again." luna said dreamily, "i'm very sorry about your friend."

"thank you... but would you mind if we talked about something else?"

"oh- yes, of course." she said the words as if what briar said had no effect on her.

"brilliant, so how was your summer?"

before luna answered, a group of voices were behind them, talking about something pulling the carriage that wasn't there before.

luna spoke up and told harry he was just as sane as she was, which didn't seem to comfort him at all.

briar didn't say another word once she registered who's voice it was next to harry's.

she silently cursed herself for being so stupid to think that she would have even a little bit more time before she would have to see them.

once ron looked at her, all he could see was sadness. her eyebags much more prominent then they were before, her face hollowed in, her body looking much more frail and delicate, as if she had lost a lot of weight, her nails chewed down to stubs, nail polish chipped, and the ends of her hair staticky at the ends, probably from tugging on it so much.

she still looked beautiful. just sad.

he wanted to say something, but had a feeling it was still too early.

they hadn't spoken all summer.

he missed her dearly.

and it didn't take a genius to notice the tension between the two of them.

the carriage ride felt like eternity.

briar could feel ron's eyes burning into her forehead.

but soon her torture came to an end and before she knew it they were inside and there was a new teacher upon them.

briar instantly knew she didn't like her, but wasn't too focused in on her, she was more just waiting till she could go to sleep that night.

she heard she had yet again had another dorm to herself. her mother told her dumbledore thought it would be best because of her loss. even though she didn't like dumbledore, she wasn't going to pass up her own dorm, and she had to admit that it was pretty sweet.

she payed no attention to the new teacher's speech, interrupting dumbledore in the process.

picked at her food aimlessly.

and couldn't help her eyes drifting over to the hufflepuff table, half expecting to see cedric sitting there, surrounded by his fans, laughing and making jokes. but the other half was just to have a reason to look over at the table, and miss him, imagining what he would look like right now, if he were there.

but he's not. briar had to remind herself.

she continuously found herself daydreaming, and just dreaming in general, over the summer that she had just dreamt the whole third task fiasco, and that cedric was still alive and well. making up scenes in her head of him laughing, talking, smiling with her, and just being close to her.

she had to tell herself countless times, 'he's dead. he's gone. he's never coming back. you will never be able to see him, hear his voice, touch him, or be with him ever again.'

it obviously hurt, like being stabbed in the heart over, and over, and over again. reliving that night.

but it was better then continuing to live in her fantasy world, which she had been in for too long.

she didn't even notice dinner was over until ginny tapped her on the shoulder and told her it was time to go to their common rooms.

she deeply appreciated the fact that ginny didn't say anything about cedric, and for a moment there, it felt like everything was back to normal.

instead of staying down in the common room with toulouse on her lap by the fireplace reading a book, with the background noise of kids talking, laughing, and playing games. she headed straight to her dorm. not bothering to even use magic to unpack her things for her.

the only thing she did use magic on was her bed, to make it bigger again.

once she did, she cuddled up with toulouse in her bed and let her sobs ring out.

hoping. praying. that soon everything will be back to how it was. and that she can feel happy again soon.

i started this first chapter on a pretty sour note didn't i?

well whatever, she can't just magically be happy.

but i promise promise PROMISE there will be much more ron and briar coming up. and not too much sulking.

there of course will be grieving but this is first and foremost, a ron weasley fan fiction lol. i know why you all came here.

now that doesn't mean i can't have some other stuff in here that isn't fully ron, but the main point is ron.

so i promise it will get back on track and get happier. but we gotta let briar have at least a few chapters to grieve.

anyways thank you i hope you enjoy!

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