briar stood outside of mcgonagall's office as she waited for them to be dismissed.

draco was the first one to walk out.

she got a good look at the marks left on him before he noticed her and glared.

next was the twins, who looked upset, but when they saw her they smiled at her as they nodded.

after them harry walked out, to which she blurted out asking if he was alright.

"no." he chuckled dryly as he kept walking.

it was clear that harry couldn't see that briar was trying to make an effort with him.

lastly, after a few more moments, ron walked out in a huff.

she pushed herself off the wall quickly and stepped towards him, "hey..."

he didn't say anything. he just looked away and started walking towards the common room.

"ron, i know you're upset and i'm sorry but-"

"no briar, you don't get it!" he shouted suddenly stopping in the hallway, "do you know how embarrassing it is to go up there and miss every. single. shot. no, you don't. everyone is gonna be bagging on me because i failed."

he started walking again and turned a corner sharply.

he looked like he was about to punch a wall or something he looked so angry.

"ron- wait."

she caught up to him and grabbed his arm forcing him to face her, "look at me."

he was looking everywhere but her.

"for heavens sake ron, look at me." she took his face in her hand and turned it towards her.

"sorry..." she mumbled as she dropped her hand from his jaw slowly. "you did great out there-"

she was cut off by ron scoffing, but she kept talking as if he didn't, "i don't care what you, draco, or anyone says, you did good. so, don't listen to them."

"bri you don't understand-"

"i know i don't understand. but that doesn't mean that i don't know that you have potential. come on ron, you've been playing quidditch with your family your whole life. with all of that practice, i know you're good. you just got nervous because of malfoy and his stupid friends. they are the reason for what happened, not you."

right as ron opened his mouth to respond someone came around the corner of the hall, "ah, i thought i heard my name."

briar sighed loudly, "draco, it's just embarrassing at this point, no one cares. leave."

"are you really gonna let your girlfriend fight all your battles for you weasel?" draco sneered.

"she's not my- just shut up malfoy." ron looked down at the ground steadily.

"right, i heard you couldn't pull her, so your brother did instead."

she swallowed hard, "you don't know what you're talking about."

"no i think i do," he laughed, "let's see, first there was dean thomas, then fred weasley, and how could i forget your dead boyfriend cedric diggory!"

before she could get to him ron stepped forward and grabbed him by his undoubtedly overpriced sweater, "shut your mouth malfoy."

he held him there for a second longer until he spoke again, "are you gonna say anything else?"

draco shook his head quickly as ron let go of him.

"come on ron, let's just go." she said as she started walking away.

he followed after her slowly.

that was until draco opened his probably unwashed mouth again,

"yeah, go with your slag of a girlfriend-"

he got cut off by ron punching him square in the face.

surprisingly, draco bounced back quickly and punched ron right back.

ron's face turned slightly to the side by the impact of the hit.

his nose started bleeding.

the blood began to run down to his lips.

he looked up slowly, wiping the blood off of his nose with his thumb.

he went in and got a few more hits in on draco until he stepped back.

briar harshly grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards her, "why did you do that?! you just got out of trouble for beating up malfoy and you go and do it again?!"

draco stood up stumbling slightly, "my father will be hearing about this!" that was all he said, then he ran down the hall to presumably his common room or to mrs pomfrey's.

she turned back to ron as he glared down the hall after draco. she looked down at his knuckles to see them bruised and bloody.

she lightly held onto one of his hands and brought it closer to her eyes, "well, you certainly left your mark on him."

he couldn't help but smile down slightly to her.

"come on, let's go clean you up."

"that really isn't necessar-" ron began but got cut off by briar, "yes it is, you fixed me up after my detention with umbridge, so now it's your turn."

"there's a prefect bathroom down there." he pointed lazily toward a door on the left side of the hall.

"geez, this place is nice." briar said as ron held the door open for her to the bathroom.

"the perks of being a prefect i guess." ron shrugged.

briar pulled up a chair for ron to sit down in, in front of the sink.

she grabbed a washcloth nearby and wet it slightly as she began to wipe the blood from his knuckles.

"do they hurt?" she asked innocently.

"yeah, a little bit. malfoy's got a sharp face." ron joked.

briar laughed slightly before moving to his nose.

she awkwardly moved closer to his face as she stepped between one of his legs.

"um, i don't think it's broken..." she said, trying to diffuse the tension.

when she looked at him she saw he was already looking at her.

"that's good..." he mumbled.

they stared at each other for a moment until briar cleared her throat and backed up to rinse off the wash cloth, realizing how closely their faces were to touching.

it got quiet for a second as she wiped her hands off.

"i'm sorry he called you that." ron said, breaking the silence.

"it's ok. it's not your fault." she smiled up at him as he stood up.

"i know, but still." he paused for a second before speaking again, "just know- just know you aren't."

she looked up at him and slowly smiled, "thank you."

"come on, i bet everyone's wondering where you are." she continued as she opened the door.

lol were two fights in two chapters too much?

i hope not because i was planning that punch where ron looks up wiping his bloody nose and i think it turned out pretty hot😩

anyways i have a sore throat so yay

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