im sorry if this sucks lol

"alright, so um, today we will be learning the reductor curse." harry announced, slowly growing more confident with teaching his classmates, "you can either partner up, or go off by yourself, i don't mind. if you need help i'll be coming around."

briar felt a nudge at her arm, when she looked over she saw ron standing over her with his wand.

"can we partner?" he asked cheekily, knowing she would say yes.

to his surprise, briar looked behind him to hermione and pressed her lips into an awkward line, "what about hermione?"

"what about hermione?" he repeated.

"well, you guys have been partners all the past times, i think she wants to be with you."

"but i want to be with you." ron stepped forward resting his hand on her arm.

she tried her best not to show the nervous butterflies that swarmed in her stomach. "alright." she cooed, "should i tell neville?"

ron rolled his eyes, annoyed at her care for neville, "come on bri, he can handle one lesson without you."

"are you jealous?" briar smirked up at him. she knew he was, but she just wanted to see his response.

"as if." he scoffed unconvincingly, "now come on, let's go break some things."


besides the many times briar had to threaten ron that she wouldn't hangout with him after the meeting, they both got a good amount of practice in.

being friends with harry had its advantages.

briar didn't hangout with the trio, only each separately, except hermione, they weren't really that close.

ron picked up on different spells because of all the adventures he had gone on with harry.

when briar wasn't getting it at first, she would huff and blame it on ron, saying he was distracting her.

she was naturally pretty good at things.

not everything, but if it fit her, and if she really wanted to learn something, she could pick it up easily.

but with ron constantly trying to derive her attention and talk to her, she wasn't excelling like she was used to.

"weasley!" she snapped at him, "stop distracting me!"

ron's eyes went wide in surprise with her abruptness, then raising an eyebrow and smiling at her.

"sorry." she apologized shamefully, "i can get a little upset sometimes when i mess things up." she laughed awkwardly, trying to not make him think she was crazy.

he ignored what she said and moved closer to her. "you need to relax."

he got up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders, like that night when they were running away from filch, he slid his hand down to hers, the one that was holding her wand, and lifted both their hands. "let me show you."

moving their hands in the movement of the spell, she successfully made the object break.

she quickly shrugged him off, "you could have just shown me without all the closeness."

"yeah, but what's the fun of that?" ron laughed.

briar turned around and did the curse on a statue behind them, causing it to break.

when it broke, she stepped back examining her work, smiling to herself.

"see? i can do it. i don't need a males help." she tilted her head to the side as she raised her eyebrow.

ron slung his arm around her shoulders, "i knew you could do it on your own, i was distracting you."

"so you admit it," briar grabbed his hand that was hanging in front of her chest and tapped her wand to his chest, "you were distracting me."

he pursed his lips and looked around the room of requirement. "you wanna get out of here?"

briar blinked at him. "but, the lesson isn't over yet."

"so?" ron shrugged, "i don't really fancy hearing harry have his usual long talks at the end of these things."

"but what if he's got something important to say." she countered quickly.

"yeah? like what?" he chuckled, changing his demeanor to act like harry, "i'm the chosen one, the boy who lived, you know who wants to kill me, i didn't ask for all of this attention! now we'll meet again soon, but i won't say when because that's what the coins are for."

briar couldn't help but laugh as she hit his arm, "don't tease, it's not nice."

ron stepped back raising his eyebrows, "oh please, you tease all the time!"

"yeah? well only with you. i love seeing that face you make when you don't get what you want."

"what face? i don't make a face." he declared.

"yes you do, your face gets all hard and upset, you look as if you're gonna flip over a table."

"no i don't!"

"look!" briar exclaimed as she pointed to his face, "you're making it right now!"

"you're just stalling." he huffed.

"stalling from what?" she asked, "from leaving early? come on, let's leave right now."

she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the exit.

"we don't have to leave if you don't want-"

she cut him off by turning around to face him, "no, i want to. i wanna hangout with you."

he blushed, his ears turning pink at the smallest comment from her.

as they crept out of the room of requirement, ron pressed her against the wall and kissed her, "merlin, i've been waiting to do that for the longest time."

briar looked down at her shoes awkwardly, not knowing how to reply.

with them it was always one or the other, none of them could be confident and easy with words at the same time, it was always one of them being bold and the other awkward.

you never knew who it was gonna be, it depended on the moment.

ron only found her awkwardness and nervousness to be cute, while briar found his stuttering and panic when she was being sarcastic with him to be attractive.

no matter how many times she would be sarcastic and make a joke with a serious face, he would always fall for it. which only made it more fun for her.

she would calm him down by saying things like, 'relax, i'm joking.' or 'im messing with you.' and her personal favorite, 'im screwing with you.' sometimes adding 'darling' at the end because she knew it only made him more flustered.

more smut? idk lol

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