"enjoying the party hermione?" fred asked as he came up behind her, slinging his arm around her shoulders.

when she didn't answer he glanced down at her.

she looked as if she'd been stunned.

"hello? hermione?" he waved his hand in front of her face before following her eye line.

then he saw it.

briar and ron on the couch. kissing.

he guessed he was too blinded by his silly crush on her.

"wow." a third party said beside them. "i can't believe he's actually done it."

"what do you mean?" hermione choked out.

"come off it." harry scoffed.

fred started to put the pieces together.

of course ron liked briar, how did he not see it before?

when harry saw their dumbstruck faces he explained, "he's been wanting to be with her since like, the moment he met her."

hermione looked away in disbelief.

"how did you know this, and- and we didn't?!" her voice cracked.

"i don't know." he shrugged, "i guess i'm just smarter than you."

and with that he walked away.


briar woke up with a pounding in her skull.

as she sat up, she noticed she was in her bed.

she didn't know how she got there, she didn't remember bringing herself back.

ron woke up and looked to see harry, neville, dean, and seamus sleeping, scattered across the room.

only one thing was brought to his mind once he registered his surroundings,

he had kissed briar.

and she kissed him back.

this had to be some sort of sign.

although he was upset he wasn't fully sober to bask in the moment at the time, he was still over the moon.

suddenly he thought of something else,

what if she doesn't remember it?

he went down to get breakfast, leaving the other guys in the room.

once he entered he saw a tired looking briar slumped over a bowl of cereal.

"are you feeling alright?" he asked as he approached her.

she looked up and smiled lazily, "yeah. just got a terrible headache."

he hummed in response before sitting down across from her.

he was scared to ask the question, but he knew he had to or else he would drive himself insane over it.

"do you remember what happened last night?"

her heavy eye bags were fully on display now.

"sorta..." she looked down at the table with her eyebrows sewn together, it was clear she was trying to think.

"i got there, and- and" she paused looking up at him like she had just remembered something.

he braced himself for the worst.

her potentially saying she remembered and fully regretted it, saying it was a mistake.

"my robe... it wasn't in my room when i woke up!"

that was not what he had expected.

"oh?" was all he could spit out.

"do you think it'd still be there?" she questioned hopefully.

"um- yeah- yeah, probably." he stuttered.

"would you come with me to get it?" she asked, "i don't wanna walk alone and look awkward." she laughed.

he didn't think she was more perfect than in that moment, bedheaded hair, sleepy eyes, pajamas still on, and slowed speech.

nevertheless, he nodded and followed her out of the common room after grabbing a muffin.

he ran to catch up with her, he never realized how fast she could walk.

"i can't seem to remember how i got back to my dorm after the party." she looked up to him, as if he had the answer.

and he did.

he dragged his feet along the polished floor, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, "that was actually me... i brought you back."

she sighed in relief, "i'm glad it was you."

his voice and his spirit suddenly perked up, "you are?"

"of course i am. merlin forbid it was some git like..." she paused to think of someone who was at the party. but she couldn't seem to remember seeing or talking to anyone besides fred, luna and neville for a brief minute, asking for weed, and ron.

she suddenly went pale.

she stopped walking abruptly, just now remembering all that happened the night before.

her eyes were wide in realization.

"bri...? briar? are you ok?" ron had now stopped too, seeing her frozen in place.

she snapped out of it and looked up to him, "yeah... i just... really wanna find my robe..."

suddenly the mood between them changed.

now it was awkward for both of them.

briar was now quiet and dumbstruck.

ron was thinking she had not remembered what had happened, holding his breath without realizing and looking over to her nervously.

it wasn't as if she wasn't happy about it.

she was just so surprised she had been so bold.

sure she had already had her first kiss, back when she was at beauxbatons with a girl actually.

briar was freaking out, explaining how she was scared she would never have a first kiss, since all of her model friends already had gotten theirs.

she was pacing back and fourth when suddenly the girl she was ranting to, her name was daisy, stood in front of her, stopping her from walking back and fourth anxiously and kissed her.

it was only about two seconds long.

daisy shrugged it off, saying she did her a favor and now she didn't have to worry about to too much.

since then, last night was her first snog.

was she good at it?

did her breath taste bad?

can you even taste someone's breath when you make out with them?

thoughts pierced through her mind at a rapid pace.

and before she knew it, they were at the room of requirement.

i feel like i disappointed some people with this chapter lol😜

but i PROMISE there's more ahead.

Hayloft - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now