tw: smut

as november came to an end, people finally started to catch up on briar and ron's missing presences.

during the last week of the month, ginny noticed something on briar's neck at dinner.

she must have forgotten about the hickey, because she wore her hair up messily as she shoved spoonfuls of soup in her mouth.

"briar..." ginny nudged her.

she hummed a reply as she took another sip of soup.

"what's that, on your neck?" ginny moved closer towards her, pointing to the spot on the side of her neck.

briar nearly choked on her soup as her eyes went wide.

harry seemed to have overheard and joined the conversation too, "is that a hickey?!"

ron's face flushed, this was exactly what he wanted to happen.

"no." she said nervously, putting on her best game face.

"that's definitely a hickey." george joined in, fred following close behind.

"so, who's the lucky lad?" george spoke again.

"yeah," ron joined knowing his smugness, "who is it?"

briar rolled her eyes, "not that it is a hickey, but even if it was, what if it was a girl?"

her eyes met with ron's.

he blinked repeatedly at her in confusion.

george quickly shook his head, "it doesn't matter who did it, we just wanna know if it's a hickey."

"oh, that's a hickey all right." fred confirmed for her.

"it's not a hickey." briar repeated. "i burned myself with a curling iron."

"why didn't you just use magic?" ginny asked.

"then why isn't you're hair curled?" hermione also questioned, now joining the conversation.

"i would have, but i didn't want to mess up the spell. and, i washed my hair out after because it didn't turn out the way i wanted." briar answered nonchalantly.

ron was surprised at how easily she came up with her fib.

"that's definitely a hickey," fred muttered, "i know one when i see one."

"and how do you know that fred?" hermione squinted at the twin.

"because, i'm the fucking connoisseur of them." he answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

briar scoffed after swallowing another spoonful of soup, "well apparently you aren't, cause it isn't a hickey."

harry immediately bought it, fred looked skeptical and jealous, hermione acted uninterested, ginny didn't believe it and continued to say the names of different people trying to guess who it was, george agreed with fred saying it was 'definitely a hickey', and ron was trying to avoid briar's hard gaze at him.


later that night, ron had snuck up to briar's dorm.

once she opened the door, she yanked him into the room.

"you knew exactly what you were doing earlier." she pointed into his chest angrily.

"what are you talking about, darling?" he smiled, pulling her into him.

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