as briar sat down with ginny and neville at her sides she couldn't stop smiling.

"what's got you all happy?" ginny asked, with hermione coincidentally sitting on the other side of her.

"i'm just really excited to see my first quidditch game at hogwarts." briar answered quickly.

everyone started getting to their postitions in the air.

soon the game started.

briar knew how quidditch was played, but she wasn't very good at it.

she would get extremely embarrassed and mad at herself when she would make a mistake in sports or just do something stupid in general.

so quidditch was ruled out for her when she fell off her broom trying to learn to play with ginny the year before. she already beat herself up about that, and watching the game only made her cringe at her past self.

flying was nice, that's the only part of quidditch she could be down with. but she could always just fly whenever she wants to. she doesn't have to play a game in order to fly on a broomstick.

she was pushed out of her daydream when ginny elbowed her harshly.

"are you seeing this?!" she looked beyond worried.

briar stopped thinking and payed attention to what the commentator was saying.

lee jordan was commentating the game.

"-and here they come! let's see if weasley will save it this time," he spoke loudly.

she looked over to where ron was, in the keeper position, looking extremely frazzled.

"what does lee mean by 'this time'?" briar yelled over the roaring crowd.

neville answered this time instead of ginny, "ron has been letting in every shot so far, it's probably because of the slytherin's song."

"what song-?" she cut herself off once she finally heard the slytherin's singing some stupid song about ron.

"oh godric, they're messing him up!" briar's eyes went wide as she watched ron miss.

briar clamped her jaw shut, frowning at the scene in front of her.

who could have thought of this stupid song?

'malfoy' she thought to herself.

of course. how could she be so dim witted? barely anyone else in slytherin has the brains or balls to come up and actually execute this song.

but draco, he could definitely make them do whatever he wants in a heartbeat.

this had to be of his doing.

after about thirty more minutes of watching the same thing happen over and over again, she shook her head, "i don't think i can watch anymore of this."

"i don't think you'll have to..." ginny said as she pointed towards harry, who looked like he had just found the snitch.

just a few more minutes later, harry had grabbed the snitch, gaining gryffindor the win.

it seemed like everyone in gryffindor let out a collected sigh of relief when it was announced that harry caught the golden snitch.

all the players started to drift down to the ground as the gryffindors cheered.

'i better check up on ron' she thought as she rose from her seat, ready to go and see him.

but it seemed like everyone else had the same idea, as they started rising from their seats too.

briar tried to push past as many people as she could.

it didn't matter how many people she squished past, she was still not down there at the time she wanted to be. but she still got there in enough time, it seemed like the team's were just about to leave too.

she saw draco, this little followers, harry, george, and fred in the grass not too far away from her.

they looked like they were about to pounce on draco.

briar couldn't stop herself as she ran up to him and pushed draco into the changing room's outside wall.

"you think you're so clever don't you?" she used all the strength she could to keep him against the wall, "the lyrics of your stupid song were my favorite part. i mean how hard is it to come up with something just a bit more creative? apparently very hard for you."

she let go of his squirming body, laughing slightly.

draco straightened himself back up, "you're such a filthy little half blood."

"ha! another creative comeback!" briar couldn't stop herself from laughing more.

he pulled out his wand holding it up to her face.

"are you seriously trying to act tough now? i will not hesitate to punch you again."

she felt two hands pull her back and she looked up to see ron above her.

"come on bri, it's just malfoy. he's not worth it." ron snarled at the mention of draco's name.

for a moment, just a moment, things settled down. but then, of course, draco had to open his big mouth and talk even more.

everyone just ignored.

until, he started talking about the weasley's family. more specifically their parents.

she didn't hear his words exactly because he got muffled by george, harry, and ron not hesitating to teach him a lesson.

ron was the closest to draco seeing as though he just pulled briar away from him.

he got a few good punches in before the rest joined in.

even though ron was still lanky and tall, he had gained some strength over the summer, which showed very evidently in that moment.

after a second of george pulling someone, she thinks it was george, off of draco, that mcgonagall ordered them into her office.

right as they left ginny, neville, and hermione ran up to briar.

ginny and hermione asked what had happened at the same time.

briar stood there with her hands balled into fists, she was so angry.

she said only one thing before she ran up to the castle after the group, "malfoy."

they shouted questions at her as she trudged up to the castle. she ignored them, they soon got the hint and stopped.

hey i have a sore on the side of my tongue and i keep messing with it so now my mouth kinda tastes like blood 😀

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