ahhh i'm sorry it took so long for me to finally write this i just say wanted to make it good. anyways i hope you enjoy!

briar and harry had been getting closer as the days went on.

she found out he was very passive aggressive and sarcastic, which were good things to her.

ron was getting more and more protective as their friendship began to blossom.

yes, he did want her to get along well with his friends. but harry always seemed to have some sort of 'charm' that would make anybody in a close radius drawn to him.

maybe it was the 'chosen one' and 'boy who lived' kind of thing going on.

ron wanted to be anybody else so badly it hurt.

harry seemed to have it all. charisma, smarts, bravery, looks, girls, strength, and humbleness.

fred and george got girls sometimes, even if they are gits most of the time.

they also had their humor going for them and creativeness.

ginny didn't care what anyone else thought of her and is the strongest person he knows.

bill, worked as a curse breaker for gringotts and had managed to get with the very same veela that he had an unreachable crush on the year before.

charlie was very very cool. he worked with dragons in romania. he could get along with anyone and he had that similar effect that harry had, causing people to instantly fall in love with him.

and even percy had working with the ministry, and his relationship with penelope clearwater going for him.

it is still mind boggling to try and figure out how percy is with penelope.

he guessed something inside of him just exploded seeing briar and harry sitting on the couch in the common room talking, laughing, and sitting closely to each other, that made him constantly try to pull her away from him.

i mean it was briar.

she was his and he was here's.

metaphorically meaning.

she was the one person who seemed like she didn't have much interest in many people at hogwarts.

and for some weird reason, she found interest in him.

i mean she was the kind of girl that people would turn their head to look at when she passed them.

she was perfect.

she was smart, funny, charming, pretty, interesting, innocent, sweet, brave, friendly, the list just went on and on.

he was so in his head at this moment he didn't even realize snape slamming a book down in front of him.

"mr weasley!" he shouted, "i have asked you five times what the answer is, and you have been sitting here staring off into space!"

some people around the classroom started to laugh slightly.

"now, i ask you again, what is the fourth ingredient for the wit sharpening potion?" the professor now had both of his hands on the table as he leaned forward, intimidating ron.

"i- um..." ron stuttered, "i- i'm sorry sir, but i don't know."

snape eased up and smiled slightly, "you don't know?"

ron slowly shook his head.

"can anyone else tell me what the fourth ingredient is for the wit sharpening potion?" he looked around the room dramatically.

hermione had her hand raised but snape glossed over her as if she weren't there.

when no one else seemed to know what the answer is, he had no choice but to call on hermione.

"very well," he snarled to the student, "mrs granger, tell me what the fourth ingredient is."

"newt spleens sir." hermione answered nervously.

there was silence.

then finally snape spoke again, "correct."

briar watched as hermione relaxed. clearly happy that her answering his question didn't land her with unlawful torment.

"weasley." snape said quickly, "detention."

ron groaned and slumped in his seat as harry patted his shoulder with a sorry look on his face.


'ok, i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna ask her to the ball tonight.' ron thought to himself as he chewed on his chicken leg.

he looked up to see her listening intently to something neville was explaining to her about a new plant he's found.

"briar!" he called down the table to her.

when she looked up to him he kept talking, "do you still have that, erm- what's it called... movie thingy?"

briar thought for a second then replied, "yes, i think i do, why?"

"well- i was wondering," he cleared his throat as he laid his food onto his plate, "if we could watch another one again. like we did last year. we don't have early classes tomorrow, so i thought it would... work."

everyone seemed to be too swept up in their own conversation at dinner that they didn't pay much attention to what ron was asking.

"yeah, yeah of course! i'll meet you in the common room." she smiled.

he smiled back as he slowly turned back to his plate.

he couldn't stop the smile on his face.

he felt like there were millions of people dancing merrily in his chest.

"what was that about?" hermione asked, intrigued.

"oh, we're just going to watch a movie tonight." he responded, forcing himself to let his smile falter.

"you know what a movie is?" she raised her eyebrow.


"oh, well, have fun i guess."

she looked back down to her textbook with a slight frown.

i thought the song kinda matched the first half of the chapter. idk though lol sorry

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