in the morning, briar happily made her way down the stairs for breakfast.

as she sat down at the table, she could feel ron's eyes on her, but she ignored them.

"where did you go last night?" ginny asked as she stuffed sausage in her mouth.

"you were keeping me up so i found the guest room and stayed in there." briar answered bluntly.

ginny blushed, feeling embarrassed, but quickly brushed it off and wiped her mouth, "who wants to play a round of quidditch today?"

the twins instantly agreed along with ron and harry.

briar sat there, not saying anything.

"briar, are you not playing?" george asked.

she shook her head, "no, i'm not good at all, i'll just being you guys down."

once the words left her mouth, ginny huffed and turned briar to look at her, "you have to play!" she exclaimed, "we won't have an even number of players if you don't!"

"she's got a point." harry agreed, causing ginny to blush a bit.

she quickly turned back to briar though and ignored harry, "come on, we can cover you the whole time."

briar sighed in defeat, "ok, fine. but just one round."


"ok how should we do teams?" ginny asked excitedly.

"me and ron." harry quickly stated, ron nodding along.

"george you join us too." ron said, pulling his brother over next to them.

"aw, then i guess i'm with briar and ginny." fred fake sighed as he walked over next to the two girls.

ron's face quickly turned red, "actually, you two should switch." he motioned between the twin brothers, trying to get fred away from briar.

"ah, ah, ah, ickle ronniekins." fred tutted. "we are already divided up, you chose george. which left me with the girls."

rom stared at his brother for a moment before giving up, "fine. whatever."

as the two groups split off in separate directions, briar began to grow nervous, "what exactly am i going to do?"

"dont worry, i'll cover you." fred winked at her.

ginny shoved her brother causing him to yelp, and pointed out to the frost covered field, "you play keeper, with fred and me out on offense you should be fine."

"ok..." briar agreed with uncertainty.

as briar flew up to her post, she squinted to see ron in the same position she was, 'of course.' she thought to herself, 'he plays keeper at hogwarts, no wonder he'd play it here too.'

the game consisted of briar freezing up on her broom from little to no movement, and spacing out, daydreaming about random things.

she nearly got hit with a bludger, if it weren't for fred to swoop in and intercept it.

she gulped as she thanked him before he flew off back to the game.

after the game concluded, briar didn't waste any time getting to the ground so she could get inside.

she was beyond relieved when she found a fire going in the living room.

she ran up the stairs to her trunk and threw on christmas pj pants and a oversized sweater.

before she went back downstairs, she grabbed toulouse and pointed to the cats on her pants, "look it's you."

she laughed at herself a little too much while toulouse just stared at her.

briar let toulouse down as she ran to the fireplace and stretched herself out just like she did back in the gryffindor common room.

as toulouse was doing that, briar began making hot chocolate.

she sat down in a chair near the fire and grabbed a book she left on the side table, as she gulped down her drink.

just before she went to open the book, ron stumbled into the house.

he looked at her and walked over.

she looked so adorable, hiding in all those layers of clothing, looking as though she was the purest thing on earth, and with a pink tint laced upon her cheeks and nose.

just last night, it was a totally different scene, stripped down to barely anything, a mischievous glint in her eye, and her face flushed with heat and tension.

"bri," he called her attention to him, "can- can we go up and talk for a moment?"

she looked at him almost as if she was bored.

after what felt like hours of silence, she finally replied, "ok."

she followed him up the steps and to his room.

"what did you want to discuss?" she folded her arms across her chest as he shut the door behind him.

"i'm sorry." he didn't waste any time at all.

she was taken aback, if she was being honest, she was expecting him to reprimand her for allowing to stay on a team with fred, especially after the contents of last night.

"i'm sorry," he repeated. "i was stupid, and rude to shut you out..."

"...keep going." briar said, concealing her growing smile.

ron sighed, but went on, "i shouldn't have been so jealous, i just... i like what we have. and, i didn't want anything getting in the way of that."

she pursed her lips, pretending to contemplate.

"it's fine if you don't forgive me, i understand-" he was quickly cut off by her wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling his lips down to hers.

"of course i forgive you, ronald." she smiled up at him, her teeth showing through her grin.

"if i'm being honest... i kinda like it when you get jealous- but not to the point where you shut me out." she explained.

"and," she continued, "it was kinda hot seeing you get all-" she lowered her voice a couple octaves, "you're being the annoying one."

he couldn't help but laugh at her attempt to sound like him.

"you know, being all assertive and shit." she blushed.

"then i guess i'll have to do it more often..." he smirked down to her, knowing what he was doing.

"i guess so..."

they kissed again, ron going in to deepen the kiss, but briar stopped him.

"later." she whispered, before she walked out his door, leaving him there, counting down the hours till whenever 'later' would be.

uh so yeah

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