it was already november, which meant another da meeting.

the fake coin buzzed in briar's coat pocket.

she took it out and saw the time and date for the next meeting, looking across the room to ron, seeing him look at it too.

he looked back at her, then back to his desk and scribbled onto a ripped off piece of parchment.

after a few minutes, said piece of parchment delicately drifted onto her desk.

she looked up to see if the teacher noticed, they didn't.

bringing the note under her desk, she opened it and read,

'next period, meet me by the prefect's bathroom closest to you, i've got a surprise'

it also had a time written on it, to show when to come.

she smiled down at it, and closed it back up.

looking back to him, she quickly rose her eyebrows then lowered them, to show she was down.

in her next class, she waited, checking the clocks every few seconds, anticipating getting to sneak off to meet ron.

she was sitting next to harry.

he asked her why her leg was jumping up and down and why she kept looking at the clock.

she explained that ron wanted to meet up because he had a surprise for her.

"surprise, it's his penis." he joked as he scribbled down his notes.

"wow," she laughed, "what has gotten into you?"

"i'm just telling the truth."

there was still, five minutes until the actual time she was supposed to be there. but, she was too jumpy and excited.

briar asked to go to the laboratory, quickly scampering off.

just as she got there, she realized she wasn't a prefect, which meant she couldn't get into the bathroom on her own.

she looked down the halls anxiously hoping ron would appear out of thin air.

"ron!" she whisper shouted, "ron! ron!"

just as she finished, he rounded the corner and looked to see who was calling his name.

when their eyes landed on each other, she waltzed up to him, pulling her head down, and looking up at him through her eyelids innocently.

"hi." he whispered as he pulled her in by her wrists, wrapping them around his back.

"hey." she whispered back, resting her chin on his chest, looking up at him.

"come on." he said as he pulled her to the prefect bathroom, opening it.

she looked up at him, pulling her head back, "i came early cause my class was too boring."

he opened the door, letting her walk in first.

"well i came early cause i wanted to do this..."

he tilted her head up with his hand, forcing her to look at him, he quickly leaned down and connected their lips.

she accepted his kiss, parting her mouth for more.

he pulled away and smiled down at her, she scowled.

"that's for holding out on me after the ball."

briar rolled her eyes, "that was like a week and a half ago!"

ron was taken aback by her preciseness. "you remember exactly when we snogged?"

her eyes went slightly wide, "n-no. i'm just guessing."

he hummed a reply before pulling out a small box, "i forgot to give this to you the night of the ball."

motioning her to turn around, he swept her hair to the side, she could feel a cool chain on her neck.

after a few seconds of standing there, she heard ron huff, fumbling with the clasp.


she was about to turn around and offer to help, but he threw his hand up, turning her towards him so she could see him smiling brightly, showing he had been able to successfully clasp the necklace together.

briar turned to a mirror and looked at the chain around her neck, furrowing her eyebrows at him.

"i remember one day, when we were in hogsmeade, you saw that locket and i could tell you wanted it." after she didn't reply he kept on, "but! i- i put something in there. if you open it, there's a little note."

she slowly opened it up, revealing a tiny slip of paper that read,

bri, you're wicked cool...

and hot

she looked up at him and laughed, "this is good."

"well i know you don't like cheesy things, so... there's that." he explained

"i love it. i'll read it whenever i'm feeling down." she smiled up at him, "you know, i didn't think you had an actual surprise..."

"what? why not?"

"i just thought we were gonna snog."

"well that is partly why i asked you here..." he bent down and kissed her passionately, pushing her against the sink.

she jumped up so she was now sitting onto the seat.

running her hands along his chest wildly.

he groaned in the kiss, feeling himself rise.

briar pulled away from the kiss. "i should get back to class."

"come on," he moaned, "stay, let's skip."

"i don't know..." she whispered, looking towards the door.

"please... i really don't want to go back to sprout."

"ok," she smiled, "but! only if you let me do something."

his eyes widened, smiling bright, "yeah- yeah ok."

"just out of curiosity," he pressed on as they exited the bathroom, "what exactly do you want to do?"

"ah, just the person i wanted to see." she fake smiled.  "taste any good cupcakes recently?"

draco walked up to them with a nasty grin on his face, ignoring her last comment, "awww, did carrot top and rose finally get together?"

"i was actually just about to see if you wanted to join in." briar shrugged nonchalantly.

"what?!" both the boys said at once.

"awwww, does the ferret not want to join our orgy?"

she pouted as they both looked at her like she was crazy.

"of course not." she sighed, giving up the joke, "we're not bloody mental."

taking his hand, she pulled him forward with her, "come on ron. we have some business to attend to."

do i want to write smut?

should i write smut?

do you guys want smut?

am i scared someone will judge me for shitty smut? yes

does one of my close friends have my wattpad? yes

is she able to go and see this story anytime she wants? yes

am i starting to regret that? yes

will i write smut anyways? if you want me to

also did you like the new girl reference i added?

Hayloft - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now