it was perfect.

and it wasn't as if it would come out of no where.

because there's a reason behind it.

it's not as if she will think he's asking her out.

which he wants to do.

but is certain she will reject him.

but with this, this made it so much easier.

because it could just be as if they are doing the other a favor by being their date.

he had to get better dress robes this year though.

and maybe actually pay attention when learning to dance this time.

they were playing wizards chess in the common room whilst everyone around them was chattering loudly.

he noticed that she gets very concentrated and thinks ahead.

she would sike her opponent out by staring down at the board, looking for a move, but in reality she had already pulled out all the stops she could possibly think of.

when she would make certain moves, she wouldn't be able to hide the smile creeping onto her face. and when she was about to finalize a move and she realized a mistake she would shout, "i didn't let go of my piece yet!"

ron knew the more time he spent analyzing his next move was more time that briar had time to think of her's.

he cleared his throat to get her attention as she stared down at the board intently, "you know, the first quidditch game of this year is tomorrow."

"is this your lame attempt at trying to distract me? because it's not working." she said as she moved her knight to take his bishop. he frowned at the board then spoke again, "no, i'm just saying that the first game is tomorrow..."

she looked up at him with a confused expression that quickly changed to a smile, "are you trying to see if i'll be going tomorrow?"

ron unknowingly started to shake his leg up and down under the table, "well- yeah. everyone in gryffindor goes, so it's- it's technically mandatory."

"if this is you asking if i'll be there, yes i will be."


the next day was the match.

classes were canceled, which surprised briar.

she didn't realize how seriously hogwarts takes quidditch until now.

it was gryffindor vs slytherin.

briar sat at the gryffindor table with breakfast in front of her.

ron was sitting down, completely silent. he looked like just found a spider on his pillow.

briar scooted down the bench to sit next to him, "alright there ron?"

"he's a little nervous for the game today." harry spoke for him.

"a little?" ron retorted, his voice suddenly very high, "a little?! i'm destined to fail i know it!"

briar scoffed, "you don't seriously believe that?"

"of course i do! i don't even know how i made it onto the team!"

"i know how, you're brilliant!" briar reassured.

harry moved forward in his seat to get ron to look in his eyes, "come on mate, this is your year. you made the quidditch team, and will do great, and got made prefect!"

briar was so caught up in her own life she didn't even know ron was a prefect.

it made sense once she thought about it.

how he would be gone for however long at times, probably doing his rounds, and the first night with the new first years he wasn't anywhere to be seen, at least briar didn't see him.

"yeah," briar said slowly making everyone turn their attention to her, "you have to have more faith in yourself."

"exactly! that's what i've been telling you!" hermione looked up at ron as she turned the page of the daily prophet.

as people started leaving the great hall to make their way down to the quidditch pitch, briar trailed behind ron slightly going over in her head how she could make sure he knew she supported him.

if she was being honest, she wasn't one for sports games very much. or anything that involves large amounts of people gathering in one place.

she felt awkward standing up at random times to scream, felt awkward screaming in general and saying things like, "yeah!" or "go!"

she just had to get into the mood to be able to do those things and not be worried that people were judging her, why they would be judging her? she wasn't sure. but she had told herself they would.

she planned on sitting next to ginny and neville, so that should make her feel more comfortable to do what she usually considers out of her comfort zone.

as they arrived to the pitch, the gryffindor team started to pile into the locker room.

ron was walking behind the rest of the team.

briar ran up and grabbed ron's arm to pull him back to face her.

"you'll do great, i know you will."

"i hope your right bri-"

"ron! get in here! we need to go over strategies!" angelina yelled from the door.

"i'd better go..."

somehow, from somewhere, briar found enough confidence to stand on her tip toes and kiss ron on the cheek.

"i'll be cheering for you." she said as she lowered her heels back into the grass.

she began to walk towards the stands, feeling very embarrassed with herself. not that she regretted it, she most definitely didn't. just that she actually kissed him, technically.

ron stood there star struck, staring at briar's hair as it tossed behind her back from the wind.

he reached up and touched his cheek lightly.

'i don't think i'll ever wash this side of my face again.' he thought to himself.

he looked after her, debating running up to her, and kissing her for real.

he almost did to,

until he flinched, hearing angelina yell at him once more to get into the room with the rest of the team.

yo sorry i didn't update for like two days i was with a friend.

and i may have covid, yikes.

but if i do, and i'll be quarantining if i do, there will be more chapters coming up!

i'm trying to think of the positive things that could come out of quarantine.

anyways i hope you enjoyed my loves! expect more very very soon. xoxo

Hayloft - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now