for thanksgiving everyone headed home for the holiday. while, some people stayed at the school.

ron had invited briar over to the burrow but as much as briar wanted to go, she knew he'd mother would make her feel bad about leaving her.

she could hear it now, 'but i'm your mother, i haven't seen you in so long!' then she would switch to her sad/disappointed voice and say, 'no it's ok. you can go be with your friends.'

not exactly wanting a guilt trip, she told him she would make sure to come next time.

briar was in her dorm, packing her belongings.

when she heard a knock on the door, she walked over to be met with a head of red hair.

without being invited in, ginny waltzed through the door and dramatically sat on her bed.

"why aren't you coming home with us?! my mum wants to meet you!" she cried.

"i'm sorry gin, i really, really want to, but i know my mum would have a fit." briar explained, as she zipped up her bag.

ginny huffed as she picked up toulouse.

"at least come for christmas, it's much better at christmas." ginny pleaded.

"i'll try." briar smiled in return.

"everyone's going to be there- for christmas, i mean." ginny went on, "luna's coming, and you know how close she is with her father."

briar stopped packing and looked over to ginny quizzically, "wait, who usually comes to the burrow for breaks?"

"everyone." ginny said blankly, as if it was obvious.

"i meant more like, give me a list." she chuckled.

"alright um..." ginny paused to take a mental head count, "well this is the first time luna is coming, but she's still included, so luna, harry, hermione-"

"do hermione's parents not care?" briar interrupted.

ginny paused again. "i guess not." she shrugged.

even though briar knew she wouldn't truly want it she still wished that her mother didn't care and would let her go off whenever she wants and just trust her.

it was almost as if her mother loved her so much and cared for her so much that briar didn't know how to handle it.

she's never experienced the type of love that wasnt filled with being on her own.

when she was younger, it always seemed like that, being alone.

but just because she was alone didn't mean she was lonely all the time.

she got used to it pretty quickly, since it was all she knew.

of course her mother still loved her, but the days were more filled with arguments, crying in her room, telling herself she was a bad person, walking home off the school bus down her long driveway hauling her heavy backpack over her shoulder, it was rare when her mum would come to the end of their driveway and bring her back to their house, late nights alone in the house, and when her mother was home she would usually be on the phone.

her father was different, but not too different. when he was still with them, he was always working. always down in the basement on their tiny computer typing away, and writing down numbers on a pad of paper. when he would spend time with briar, it was to go out to the store or a pool then trap himself back into his office.

even with the lack of quality time, he would do everything briar asked, well not everything, but most of what she asked.

when he was still alive, they were good on money. which meant that she got to go to muggle stores with her father to get toys and stuffed animals, clothes she liked, and books she wanted to read.

but, when he got laid off his job, that meant money couldn't be used on buying whatever briar wanted.

occasionally briar and her father would do out to the muggle stores and buy a book, a shirt or two, maybe a toy.

but most of the time whatever she wanted it had to go on the christmas list.

one day briar wanted to get a board game and she was told to 'put it on the list' to which she got upset saying, 'but it's only 20 dollars!' which is a reasonable price for a board game, but she didn't understand why it wasn't bought at the time.

she attended private schools until she got into hogwarts, so she wasn't too alarmed at the uniforms and small classrooms. so, she had rich friends.

almost all her friends had mini mansions, a tv in their room (which was very foreign to briar), the latest technology (which was also very foreign to her), all the new toys, and subscriptions to different magazines that they would read once then throw away forever.

one of her old friends was so rich she had a stage in her basement, an intercom throughout her house, and a mattress that could move up and down.

there was more, but she felt like those three things were the most impressive.

she had other friends who at other amazing things in their houses like, a game room, a finished basement, a workout room where their mothers would stay to keep their bodies slim, a bathroom connected to their room, a jacuzzi, hot tub, a pool in their back yard, and a movie theatre room.

but in that particular friend's house, those were the things that stuck out to her the most.

now of course there wasn't one house that had all of those things.

she just grouped up all the different houses she's been to and listed their coolest amenities.

outside of her friends houses, they would go on elaborate trips around the world for vacation or go to amusement parks, and ride their horses in their backyard.

now, her mother and her weren't so tight on money, but she would still hear things like, 'it's too much money, maybe for christmas? do you have money for it?'

but for now, she had to focus on the future and not dwell on the past, which is something she's gotten very good at doing.

you guys should listen to this song called 'pink slips' by jenna doe

it's wlw and i'm slightly obsessed with it

but anyways i hope you enjoyed :)

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