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it was well into the summer when briar thought it would be a good idea to take ron to an amusement park.

he was very obviously confused at the idea of a rollercoaster but he could tell briar was excited so he agreed to go.

she had bought two tickets for them with her small amount of muggle money, and explained to him all the different attractions that there will be.

they had decided to leave early the next morning to get to the park early and have the whole day to go on rides and walk around.

by the next day, ron was just about jumping off the walls, excited to go to this new place. he explained that he had asked harry the night before about it for more details and he said, "harry says he never got to do any of the fun stuff, but dudley always looked like he was having fun and it looked fun."

briar was slightly annoyed because she wanted to surprise ron with everything but it sounded like he still didn't entirely know what to expect.

they got everything together and briar counted up her spare money, hoping those summers working in ice cream shops would finally pay off.

as they climbed into the fireplace she told ron where to go. she was always scared of the floo network and wished she could use apparition. she knew the risk of being splinched, but just about everything is dangerous.

she held onto ron's arm as he said the name of the subway station they were to go to.

when they arrived, briar led him to the subway so they could get a ride to where the park was.

on the subway, ron stared out the window as if he was expecting to see some scenery. briar had brought a book, knowing how long it may take to get to their location, as ron sat there falling asleep on briar's shoulder.


when they arrived to the location and got into the park briar instantly led ron to the first rollercoaster she could find.

"this-" she pointed up to the contraption, "is what we are here for."

ron's eyes went wide and his mouth hung open.

"we... are going... on that?" he asked stunned.

"mhm." briar replied proudly.

ron snapped back into reality and looked down to briar, "not bloody likely!" he exclaimed right before he walked off to anywhere away from the rollercoaster.

taken aback, briar creased her eyebrows together as she ran after him. "what?! why not?! it's fun!"

"that- that- death trap, is fun?! are you on something woman?!" ron nervously yelled back, refusing to look at the rollercoaster in front of him.

briar rolled her eyes and sighed as she pulled ron down by both of his wrists to meet her face to face, "now ronald, why on earth would i spend money, knowingly use the floo network- which i hate- and bring you here to go on it as well and talk it up if it was a 'death trap'?" she let go of his wrists for the last two words as she held up her two fingers creating air quotes.

still unconvinced, ron stood his ground, crossing his arms over his chest like a child, "i don't know." he mumbled lowly.

briar sighed again as she looked him in the eyes, "listen, if you truly don't like it then i'll make it up to you in some way. whatever you want i'll make it up to you."

ron's demeanor entirely changed hearing that, "oh really?" he smirked down to her, "anything i want?"

once she realized what he meant she gasped and slapped his arm playfully, "you're such a boy ronald weasley!"

"you didn't answer my question!" he yelled to her as she began to walk away.

she turned around smiling flirtatiously, "sure, anything you want. but only if you truly don't like it!"

"well than, i can assure you i won't like it!"

after waiting in line for what felt like forever, they finally got to get seated on the ride.

ron was visibly nervous, looking around wildly right after the worker came around making sure everyone was in place and secure.

"oh darling, it'll be alright. it's not half as bad as you think it will be." briar reassured him.

ron didn't say anything, all he could do was gulp and nod quickly.

briar couldn't help but smile at him, finding it adorable how scared he was for it and not afraid to show it.

they both felt a jolt forward as the compartment they were in started moving itself. "what- how is it doing that?!" ron yelled, trying to look up to the front of the compartments, "no one's even driving it!"

people around them laughed as briar tried to hold in her own chuckles.

not seeming to notice the people around them laughing at him, ron lowered his voice into a whisper, "are the people wizards here too? did they cast a spell on these?"

briar's face free red as she tried not to laugh and make him feel bad for the little knowledge he knew about the muggle world. "no, not that i know of."

"well it must be magic, how else could we be moving without anyone driving?!" ron questioned loudly this time, causing even more people to laugh.

right as briar was about to respond their compartment started following the others in front of it, climbing up the built hill.

ron was getting anxious as ever, shaking his head wildly and muttering, "i hate you bri! i hate you so much for this!"

right as they reached the peak of the hill ron made a high pitched noise and grabbed for briars hand as they began to fall forward, dropping at full speed.

after a moment of initial screaming from ron, he broke out into a huge smile and was now screaming with joy.

once the ride stopped and the couple got out of the carts, they started walking to a new destination.

"i didn't like it." ron pressed his lips into a line, putting on the best act he could.

briar exhaled almost unbelievably. "you have got to be joking! i saw you having fun back there!"

"i don't know what you think you saw bri, but it was not be having fun, i can assure you."

"you are so full of it!" she laughed loudly, "and you're gaslighting me!"

"well, a deals a deal, you have to do whatever i want."

"yeah, like that's going to happen-"

"wait let's go on this one next!" ron exclaimed as he pointed towards a rollercoaster with multiple loops.

fun fact: i hate rollercoasters😵‍💫

Hayloft - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now