briar had spent the past few days with the twins. watching them play pranks on the younger kids, sometimes joining in, playing rounds of exploding snaps with them, and watching them trick filch, which ultimately sent them running towards briar yelling at her to run.

she hadn't really got a moment with ron, seeing that he was with either harry or hermione in classes, at meals, and in the common room.

but one night briar realized toulouse wasn't in her room.

she figured she was in the common room in front of the fire, so she walked down to see none other than ron weasley.

in his arms was a sleeping toulouse.

she gulped before she went down the last few steps into the room, "why did you steal my cat weasley?"

he looked up at her then down to toulouse, "i- i didn't steal your cat. she came to me!"

"catnapper." briar coughed.

ron obviously didn't understand the pun so she derailed the topic slightly, "i thought you didn't like cats?"

"i don't."

"then why don't you hand her over?"

he looked down to the sleeping kitten, purring softly in his arms, "i would, but i wouldn't want to wake the beast up."

"yeah... ok." she looked down to him and sighed, "you can have her tonight. but tomorrow, i want my cat back."

"i don't want your bloody cat! she won't get off of me! if i could i would give her to you now!"

"toulouse is a very heavy sleeper. but you already knew that." she looked him up and down before smiling and turning to go back up the stairs.

she went back up to her room feeling butterflies flying around in her stomach.

she went into her trunks to get a sweater and noticed she still had ron's old jumper.

it looked exactly like it did last year.

she didn't have the energy over the summer to unpack so her mom did it for her. she must have seen the sweater, washed it for her and repacked it.

once she swung it over her head she got embraced with his scent.

it smelled the same. even after being washed.

'i should probably give it back to him" she thought to herself. but it seemed like he had forgotten she had it too so if it ever came up she could just pretend she forgot about it, which isn't totally a lie because she did for a little while until now.

she pulled the duvet over her body as she sank down into the bed.

toulouse jumped up from the ground nuzzling herself into the sheets with briar purring softly.


the next day briar was swamped with work from her classes.

she sat down in the library sorting all of her things onto a table.

starting with potions first, because as always snape liked to give them the most amount of homework out of all the other professors.

after about and hour and a half she was almost halfway done with her work.

the tip of her quill broke off because she was pressing down too hardly on her parchment causing her to groan and search in her bag for a new one.

right as she was about to reach for one she felt someone tap on her shoulder, which caused her to quickly turn around and her hand to earn a paper cut from one of the many things in her bag.

she breathed in harshly as she looked down to see blood starting to pour out from her hand.

she hated blood and cuts.

she could stand her own blood. but other people's made her feel uneasy and imagining her skin tearing open disgusted her.

"ah- sorry." fred said as he pulled up a chair next to her.

"it's fine, it's fine." she mumbled angrily. she didn't feel like going to the infirmary so she pressed down on her cut, waiting for it to stop bleeding, and grabbed a band aid from her bag, now thankful she always carried them around with her.

fred sat there awkwardly as she grumbled to herself about homework and her new cut.

once she settled down she looked at him, "did you want to talk about something?"

"uh, yes i did. i was wondering if you would like to... go out with me."

she blinked not seeming to understand, "like a date?"

"yeah..." he nodded, instantly regretting this.

she thought for a moment, 'fred is a nice guy, and i have been hanging out with him recently. he isn't bad to look at, i don't see any issue.'


"yes? like yes you will go on a date with me?" he asked surprised.

"yes, i will go on a date with you." she smiled seeing how giddy he got from her response.

"brilliant! uh, i'll meet you at the pub?"

she nodded, "yeah, that's good. when?"

he didn't seem to have thought about that part yet.

"tomorrow. after the da meeting."

"perfect. i'll be there."

he walked away backwards nodding to himself as he accidentally knocked into a passing second year.

she turned back towards her homework and frowned.

it seemed like she would never be able to stop doing class work.

she looked back to fred stumbling out of the library with a smile plastered on his face and she thought to herself, 'i'm not sure if i like him though- but i guess that's what dates are for- wait. does that mean ginny and all of them were right?'

it sent her brain into a spiral just thinking about it.

then she thought about ron.

what would he think?

would be be upset?

would he not care?

'well i already said yes, so i guess we will find out.'

i feel weird idk how to explain it. anyways, i really need a therapist since my old one had to leave work. lol my life is movie material.

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