this is the dress^ i hope you guys like it💔

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this is the dress^ i hope you guys like it💔. anyways enjoy!!

"you don't think she stood me up, do you?" ron asked harry nervously as he watched ginny, luna, and hermione enter the hall.

"relax, it's only fifteen minutes in, she'll be here, she's probably just running late." harry answered, trying not to freak out his friend.

ron ignored harry and walked up to ginny, "where's briar?"

instead of ginny answering, luna spoke up, "oh, she will be here soon, she left right after i did."

he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding in.

"you look nice ron." hermione said shyly.

"so do you mione." he said back quickly.

she looked down to her feet, slightly disappointed, hoping he would pay more attention to her.

she quickly snapped herself out of it, reminding herself that he didn't like her, he likes briar.

as if on command, briar appeared at the top of the stairs, the same way she did the year before, looking innocent and beautiful.

hermione quickly looked away from briar, forcing herself not to see ron's face, knowing it would just hurt her even more.

instead, she swiftly walked away to find her date, neville.

he had asked her the year before, but she already said yes to krum.

ron looked up at her in absolute awe.

she looked like an angel.

she was sporting a satin, white, long, soft, dress.

she looked different.

not too different.

not a bad different.

she looked like an angel.

very beautiful and angelic.

he couldn't believe he was going to the ball with such a girl.

ron gulped as she edged closer to him, down the stairs.

she couldn't stop the smile growing onto her face.

it stayed there, as if it was glued to her.

once she was in talking range she spoke up first, "you look so pretty."

he truly did.

he looked so utterly handsome and attractive in his new, black dress robes.

his hair looked fluffier than it usually did, she wanted so badly to run her hand through his hair like she did the night of the party.

she now saw exactly what he was and what he had turned into over the summer, a man.

he wasn't a scared, nervous, and awkward little boy anymore.

well, he still was kind of nervous and awkward in some situations, but then again, she was too.

she found it to make him even more attractive, if that was even possible at this point. the awkwardness and nervousness, that is.

as briar looked down, she spotted his usual worn trainers.

at least there was still something that wasn't exactly new about him tonight.

not that new was bad, its just that she had always found the hand-me down robes, half working wrist watch, and slightly too big pj pants to make him who he was, and showed how even though he did care about 'valuable' things, he valued friends, family, and love even more.

and honestly, she thought the pj pants that hung low on him, made him more fit.

his blue eyes were scanning her face and body, studying every inch of her, taking the sight of her in.

he blushed, obviously not used to being called 'pretty' since it wasn't widely known to be used to describe males, instead it was used for females.

but nevertheless, he liked it.

"you look bloody perfect." he said.

it took so, so, much of his confidence to say those four words.

they were such simple words, and yet they weren't, not for him, and certainly not for her.

she didn't know how to handle such broad compliments, being taught her whole life to swat them away like they were annoying fruit flies.

wanting so badly to dismiss the compliment, and turn it down, she looked into his eyes.

he was looking at her as if she was the most perfect thing he'd ever laid his eyes on, which quickly made her believe she was the most perfect thing in the whole world.

"thank you." she whispered back, uncontrollably nervous and feeling very vulnerable.

at this point in the relationship, she would bolt for the door, run away as fast as she possibly can, and turn down whoever was telling her these cheesy things.

as much as her mind told her to get out of the room as fast as she possibly could, her heart was much louder, and wanted the opposite so much more than her brain.

quickly shutting up her head, she let the nerves, and the fear, turn into butterflies, and giddy happiness.

she felt like she was on top of the world, and the night hadn't even begun yet.

he held his hand out to her, to which she took instantly as he led her out to the dance floor.

just like how they did at the party many nights ago, briar took the leap as the song turned from slow, and romantic, to fast, and upbeat.

with her hand still in his, she lightly swung their arms back and fourth, easing into dancing more carefree.

they were both smiling like maniacs as they both began to pick up the pace of their swaying.

"this is nice." ron said, beaming towards her.

"very nice." she said back, beaming towards him.


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