umbridge took fred, george, and harry's broomsticks.

everyone was wondering why she didn't confiscate ron's but he was really complaining.

most people guessed she didn't take ron's not because she didn't care that he was in the fight too, but because of his performance at the first game. guessing that she didn't take it because he didn't bring much to the gryffindor quidditch team.

but briar was set on changing that opinion.

any chance she could get she would try and boost ron's confidence, and encourage him to ignore what people were saying.

the next DA meeting was coming up.

everybody was being extra careful so that no one outside of the group would know about it.

hermione had made these coins that told when the time and date was for the next meeting.

briar didn't know what they were going to be practicing this time but she was excited.

it was easy to say that the DA was becoming the highlight of the school year so far.

"harry!" briar ran up as she called his name from down the hall.

he turned around, surprised to see briar running up to him.

"i was wondering... if maybe... you would want to... help me with the defense homework?" she said lazily, out of breath from running.

he stared at her confused, "um, yeah, sure. the library after classes alright?"

"perfect." she said finally catching her breath.


"why does she want to meet with you?" ron asked worriedly.

"i don't know. she said she needs help with homework." harry shrugged as they walked out of the common room.

"why didn't she ask me?" ron furrowed his eyebrows.

"maybe because you never do your homework." harry joked.

they soon arrived at the library.

"mate, i hate to be the one to say this... but you need to leave now."

"why can't i come in too? i need help with homework also!" ron countered.

"listen, i know you're like, in love with her or something-"

"bloody hell harry!" he yelped before he lowered his voice to a whisper, "i am not in love with her. i really do need help with homework!"

harry sighed before he looked to see hermione walking towards the library, "well brilliant! hermione is right there! i bet she would love to help you with your homework."

before ron could object harry called hermione over to them, "hermione, would you like to help ron out with some homework? he said he needs some help and you know i'm not as on top of things as you are."

"oh! yes, of course! are you ready now?" she asked as she turned towards ron.

ron pressed his lips into a line and nodded before walking into the library behind hermione and harry.

briar was already sitting at a table, tapping her fingers on the table in a certain pattern.

when she saw harry walking towards her she picked up her head and smiled to him.

ever since that night in the common room when they connected slightly over cedric, it's been more comfortable between them. not as tense like it was before.

harry took a seat across from her as he placed his books onto the table.

"so what shall we start with?" he asked.

as time went on they got more comfortable with each other's presence.

ron kept looking over to their table anxiously, which caused hermione to hit him over the head with a book, scolding him to pay attention.

she realized in their time together just how strong harry is.

he has been through hell and back, and yet people still give him enormous amounts of shit when he's just trying to help people.

cho walked past their table saying hi to harry.

it looked as though they were together now.

she didn't look as sad as she did at the beginning of the school year, but briar didn't look as sad either.

briar's eyes lingered on her as she passed with her friends.

she had just now realized how hard cedric's death must have been for her.

i mean they were dating. they spent as much time together as they could. they both adored each other. it must be hard to loose someone who you had a romantic connection with.

absentmindedly, briar looked over in ron's direction.

she thought what it would be like if she lost him.

he really was the closest, most important person to her.

she didn't even realize how he had creeped up onto her and made his way into her life.

she suddenly felt very bad for cho. it must have been very rough for her.

"i'll be right back..." briar mumbled as she went over in cho's direction.

as she approached her cho looked up at her confused.

"could i talk with you cho?" she asked in a light voice.

cho nodded and walked slightly to the side with her.

"i just realized, i never asked you how you were."

there was a pause of confusion.

"with cedric- i mean." briar explained further, "you were very close to him. how are you- how did you-" she sighed, "handle his death?"

she could tell cho hadn't talked about cedric with many people, maybe even at all when she looked as if she were about to break down into tears.

"alright." she answered lightly.

"right." briar took that as her cue to leave her alone, "well, i'll see you around, yeah?"

cho nodded in response.

just as briar stepped to walk away cho said her name to stop her, "i'm sorry for you too. i was jealous of your relationship with him."

briar laughed dryly, "it wasn't anything more than a sibling kind of love, i promise."

and with that she walked back to harry.


as she slept that night, she woke up abruptly, realizing she hadn't had her nightmares in a week or so.

it was clear that things were turning up for her, she would still get a tiny scare in her sleep though.

she didn't know why but she felt as if she gotten a lot of closure lately.

it still hurt though.

it would never not hurt.

but it was better than it was before.

and that was enough for right now.

i wrote this so fast you don't even know so if it sucks that's why

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