i didn't even realize how long it's been since i updated lol

i've been on holiday break and while on break i got covid lol

"oh, i cant wait to see ron's face when he finds out you're here!" fred laughed loudly.

"he hasn't been talking about anything else but you since summer started." george smirked down to briar.

she instantly blushed at the thought of ron talking about her. "let's wait till dinner is ready."

"brilliant!" exclaimed george, "mum should be done in a few minutes if you would like to go down."

briar nodded as they bounded down the many stairs in the weasley household and right as they reached the first floor molly had finished setting down the food on the table.

"oh! fred! george!" molly looked up at her sons smiling as she walked towards them, "would you go up and tell everyone dinners ready?"

none of them spoke. neither of them wanting to go back up all the stairs after just coming down them.

"i don't mind telling." briar spoke up sheepishly.

molly looked down to briar and took her face in her hands, "why- thank you dear. doing what these boys," she tilted her head towards the twins, "weren't willing to."

"of course." briar gave her a nice pink smile, exaggerating to throw it in the twin's faces.

before either of the boys could say anything to her, she ran up the stairs to go and get the family.

briar first got ginny, who then went to get her father, while briar went to ron's door.

she could hear chatter from outside the door, presuming to was harry, she knocked lightly, almost falling over with excitement to see his reaction to her presence.

she heard a faint 'come in' after a second and twisted the doorknob. "dinners ready, so if you want any before it's all gone you better get down here."

harry was already facing the door, his expression breaking into a smile.

ron's back was to the door but when he turned around he nearly choked on the piece of chocolate he was eating.

his eyes widened and he jumped to his feet, since he was so tall it didn't take many steps for him to need to cross the floor to get over to her.

"bri!" ron gasped as he scooped her up from her stance beside the doorframe and lifted her feet just a few inches off the ground, in the corny rom com type scene in the movies. "what are you doing here?! you weren't supposed to come for another-"

"yes, yes, another week or so." briar cut him off, tired of hearing that sentence again. "i decided to come earlier, figured you lot missed me."

"we did." harry chimed in from the floor.

rom excitedly spoke again, not wasting a second of time, "well, come on mum just finished making food-"

"i know ron," she cut him off again smiling up at him, "i'm the one that told you that."

"oh, right." he realized as his cheeks rose to a light pink.

once everyone gathered downstairs to the table, ron was amid in having briar sit next to him.

"oh ron, let the poor girl sit where she wants to." molly sighed from her seat.

"she wants to sit next to me! wait- you do want to sit next to me, right?" he crouched down so he was looking eye to eye with briar.

"yes, of course i do." briar laughed reassuringly.

as they all sat down, everyone started asking questions about briars summer so far, and what she had been doing before she got to the burrow.

after about the fifth question regarding the same lines, she was ready to change the subject.

"honestly! i was doing barely anything before i came!" she claimed, trying not to sounds too aggressive. "now, what have you guys done before i came?"

ginny and the twins went on to explain what the members of the house partook in while she was with her mother.

while they were talking about that, briar felt a hand to her left lightly test itself on her thigh under the dinner table.

she immediately blushed and looked over to ron then down to his hand on her leg.

after that, it was pretty hard to focus on anything what everyone else was saying. for her mind was somewhere else.

all she could think about was how she couldn't wait till she could get upstairs and spend some time alone with ron.

instantly pulling her out of her thoughts, she heard her name,

"isn't that right briar?"

she looked up to see george staring at her with an evil, 'i know you weren't really paying attention', i got you smile.

briar nodded her head nervously as she looked around the table to see everyone staring at her.

"see? even briar agrees." george laughed to his parents.

now, briar wasn't stupid enough to just smile and nod on hoping that he wasn't referring to something family friendly related.

"what exactly do i agree to?" she asked lightly.

"just how me and freddie recalled when you told us you had a crush on gilderoy lockhart." he snickered behind his spoon of mashed potatoes.

her eyebrows raised in an amused light and smiled brightly, "oh yeah, he's very attractive." she played along, making it clear she was joking.

"oh goodness dear, i thought he was serious for a moment there!" molly sighed in relief.

"yeah, mum wouldn't want you taking away her man." fred spit out, trying not to laugh.

molly gasped and yelled at fred saying how she 'only has eyes for your father'. but arthur was quick to add in how he 'remembered molly blushing like a beat when she got her copy of his book signed by him back in ginny's first year of school'.

that claim only made the table erupt in even more laughter.

this is kinda shitty but also kinda cute??? idk

anyways little update (because you all care so much lol): me and the girl aren't talking anymore... it didn't end badly she just like wasn't ready. so was kinda bummed about that but i'm honestly pretty fine lol

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