ron was up in his dorm with harry.

"what should i wear?" he asked as he looked at two different sweaters his mum made him.

"i don't know." harry said as he turned the page of the quidditch magazine, "why are you so worried anyways? haven't you done this before?"

"well- yeah. but that was before-" ron cut himself off.

harry didn't seem to have noticed as he looked at the new broomstick installments.

he looked up from ron's bed to see him in only boxers.

"ron?!" he pulled the magazine in front of his eyes, "cover up!"

"what? relax harry it's not like i'm fully naked."

"might as well be..." harry mumbled to himself.

after a few seconds of shuffling around ron rolled his eyes and told harry he could look now.

"how's this?" he asked as he held out his arms.

he was wearing dark blue pajama pants and one of his old 'r' sweaters, which was now too small on him.

"merlin." ron said to himself as he looked in the mirror, "why doesn't it fit anymore?"

he began to pull it down to try and cover his stomach.

"ron, have you not noticed that you're much taller than you were a year ago?"

ron stopped tugging and looked up to harry, "well, yeah but..."

he reluctantly slipped off the sweater and opted for a slightly bigger one.

it was still pretty snug on him, but at least this time it covered him fully.

"i'm gonna have to tell mum none of the sweaters fit me anymore."

"i thought you didn't like the sweaters that much..."

"i've been over this harry," ron groaned, "i don't like that it's the same color every year, maroon."

"why don't you just tell your mum you want a different color?"

ron didn't answer.

instead he gathered up the jumpers that were now too small on him and stuffed them in an empty box in the corner.

he remembered briar still had one of his sweaters from last year.

"ok," he got up from the box and turned around quickly, heading for the door, "i'm off."

just before he was about to leave harry called out to him, "can i stay in here a little bit longer? fred and george said they wanted to show me something but i reckon it's just them trying to prank me."

"sure." he shrugged, "see ya mate."

he began to walk down to the common room.

once he entered the room he saw briar sitting on the couch with toulouse in her lap as she laughed at something the twins and ginny were saying.

he was about to walk fully in until he thought of something, 'they're gonna make some stupid comment arent they?'

as he stood there, thinking, briar saw him in the doorway and called him over.

he reluctantly began to walk towards her and his siblings.

"so, are you ready to-" she began, but ron loudly cut her off, "fred, george, you're looking for harry right?"

they nodded in unison. at this point he was used to it.

"right, we'll hes up in our dorm if you wanna go give him a scare."

Hayloft - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now