days had passed after their little 'fight'.

briar had plans with ginny to go down to the shops in hogsmeade to look for christmas gifts.

ginny had argued that it was 'too early' and that they had 'two more weeks to shop'. but, briar was set on having as much time as possible to shop.

"i'm a great gift giver, am i not?" she asked rhetorically.

"you are." ginny answered anyways.

"yes, so that means that to get the best gifts for people, you have to plan ahead, search for the perfect thing. which may take two weeks." she shrugged with her last sentence.

ginny sighed in response, not wanting to fight back.

when briar wanted to be, she could be very stubborn.


the next day, the two of them set off for the town.

but before briar left, ron pulled her back into him by her hands.

"where are you going?" he questioned.

"a date." she answered nonchalantly.

ron stood baffled, "what?!" his voice cracked slightly.

she sighed and set her hands on his shoulders, "i'm going to hogsmeade with your sister."

"hmmm." he pondered for a moment. "i'll come too."

"you can't."

"why not?"

she pressed her lips into a thin line before speaking, "because, i'm going to search for your christmas present if you must know."

"oh... ohhhh." he smiled down to her.

it was that simple half smile that was his specialty.

you know, the one where it would climb up one side of his face.

the kind that makes you melt into your shoes.

briar breathed in as she looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"i've got to go, ginnys probably waiting for me." she stated, making her way to the door.

just before she laid her hand on the doorknob, ron pulled her back once more, in for a quick kiss.

she walked down to the common room, finding ginny sitting on the couch, tapping her foot impatiently.

"merlin, you're the one who wanted to go into town and then you take forever to get down here?!" she shrieked.

"sorry gin, i got... caught up."

as they walked into hogsmeade, looking around for different shops.

they first went into the three broomsticks, since ginny insisted the only way she would walk around for two or more hours, was with butterbeer in her system.

briar didn't fight her on that, she as well was craving one.

as they sipped out of their glasses, briar looked up at ginny and pressed her lips into a line, contemplating asking what she really wanted to.

she didn't even realize the words were falling out of her mouth, until they were. "what do you think ron would want for christmas?"

ginny eyed her suspiciously before shrugging and answering.

"probably a good shag, since he gets none of that already." she laughed loudly.

briar scoffed with a smile tugging at her lips as she rolled her eyes, "i'm serious ginny, what do you think he would like?"

"why are you asking me?" ginny questioned.

"because you're his sister..." briar said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"oh, right." ginny said, as if she had just remembered that fact, "well, he likes a lot of weird things like, chudley cannons quidditch team, candies, snacks..."

briar sat back in her seat, she wanted to get him the perfect thing, something that only they knew.

she didn't want it to be too cheesy, she started to look back on past memories with him,


"and that one there, that's andromeda." ron said as he pointed up to the sky.

"how do you know all of this?" briar laughed quietly.

he shrugged, "i got bored one summer."

she had the biggest smile on her face, she couldn't help it.

"what's that one?" she questioned. she already knew what it was because she was interested in astrology but she just loved listening to him explain it.

"pisces." he squinted his eyes slightly.

"you know," he went on after a pause, "we should have our own star."


ron scarfed down his slice of pie, barely even leaving a crumb behind.

briar got herself a slice and coated the top of it with a thick layer of whipped cream.

"you want another piece?" she asked lightly.

she could tell he did.

he hesitated.

"it's alright, i'm probably gonna have like three more pieces after this." she laughed as she cut him another slice. "i'm surprised i'm not 1,000 pounds yet, i eat too much desert."

ron smiled as he took the piece from her, he took a bite and pointed his fork down to his plate after making a noise of satisfaction, "that's so good."

"pumpkin is my favorite type of pie." she said before putting her own bite into her mouth.

"me too, although blueberry is a close second." he smiled.


"ronald, you have to stop drawing these!" briar held up his paper, instead of actual work taking place on it, it was littered with horrific doodles of their potions professor.

"if snape sees this, he'll have your head!" her voice cracked slightly.

ron stood up and stopped a pacing briar by resting his hands on her upper arms, "it's ok, darling."

"besides," he went on, "he deserves it after bullying children all day."

briar let a chuckle escape her lips before she pushed him back playfully.

"you know, i think this ones my favorite..." he held up a piece of parchment and pointed to one of the drawings.

in the picture, snape was getting scorched by a dragon. much like the ones at the triwizard tournament the year before.


"-i know what to get him!" briar exclaimed shooting up from her seat in the pub.

ginny looked up at her with an annoyed expression seeing as though briar had just cut her off.

"were you not listening to a thing i just said?!" ginny rose her voice slightly.

briar knew ginny wasn't actually angry.

she bent down to ginny's level and kissed her cheek.

"thanks gin, i'll see you later." she ran out of the pub and into the snowy weather.

ginny stared at the door where briar had just walked out of, her cheeks quickly tinted themselves with a pink blush.

she snapped herself out of her daze and went back to finish her butterbeer.


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