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The halls filled with loud chatters, creating the first day back at Hogwarts air. I squeezed passed all the excited students, heading towards the Great Hall. The loud voices were mostly happy laughs, but also anxious whispers.

I remember that I was also as anxious on my first day. I was truly terrified as well. I was mortified actually. I only grew up with one friend, but on my first day, I met another. By the end of second year we were all inseparable.

Down the hall, someone skipped to walk next to me. I looked up, seeing the smile of a messed-up, yet very noticeable sixth year Slytherin.

"Still a no?" Dylan asked. His brown hair hang loose and fluffy, looking as oily as Malfoy's hair gel in second year. He had a scar under his eye from stitches he was given last year.

I kept my chin up, not glancing at him again. "No," I said emotionless. I kept my pace after he stopped, looking at me walk on.

"I will get that date!" he yelled, making me roll my eyes.

I had just reached the doors, when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, into a corner. Looking at his face, I saw those grey eyes of Draco Malfoy. A smile immediately spread on my lips, and I leaped forward into a hug. His warm arms wrapped around my torso, lifting me higher.

"Draco!" I laughed quietly, feeling his grasp on me tighten. "I do need to breath," I said, a smile on my lips.

He let me drop to my feet but swung his arm over my shoulder. "Shall we enter our kingdom my queen?" he asked charmingly, leading me into the hall.

Damn he grew taller. A lot.

His blond hair was let natural and wild, not slick back like a duke. He wore his Slytherin robe like pride, and of course his initials were still sown in on the inside of his sleeve. He was still taller than me, which made me feel safe in a way, well that's until I get into an argument with him.

"We shall indeed," I said, holding my chin high, making Draco giggle.

We walked down to our seats at the Slytherin table, next to Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy jumped aside, letting Draco and I sit down. I smiled at her.

"And- how are the two lovebirds doing?" Blaise asked from across us. He had his fucked-up smirk spread on his lips as he stared at Draco and me.

Damn I hated his ego.

Draco gave him a glare, making me giggle. "Eww, but we're perfect thank you Zee," I said, before Draco could open his mouth. "By the way, I love what you did to your-" I was silent for a few seconds, looking him up and down, trying to find something on him that changed, but nothing. "Nothing," I said hopelessly. "You are still the boring fucking moran who I know from last year's classes."

Blaise smiled. "Nice to see you too Lee," he said sarcastically. "How was the train ride to the school? We couldn't find you, so we stuck to our booth with-" Draco gave him a nudge, making him silent.

"It'd be more fun if Alex didn't get himself suspended," I mumbled, before hearing Pansy giggle. I did miss him. He made everything fun.

Draco removed his hand from my shoulder, sliding it down and lightly placing it on my knee. Blaise kept his smirk, while lifting his chin, making Draco glare at him with more anger. I lightly tugged my knee away from Draco, knowing he just wanted to calm me down, which I wasn't having.

"So, hey Draco. How Astoria doing?" he asked, making me scoff.

"How was your vacation Pansy?" I asked, dragging my attention away from the two boys.

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