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With confusion I spun around, before seeing Mattheo walk to me with a smile. "Oh, hey Matty!" I said, before he stepped next to me.

"Where are you off to?" he asked as we continued walking down the courtyard steps.

I smiled. "Quidditch practice."

"Great, I'll watch."

We reached the fields, where we immediately headed to the quidditch fields.

"I was wondering," he said, glancing at me. "What about, after practice, you and I could do something?"

I looked at him, smiling. "I'd love that. What do you have in mind?" I asked, holding my bag tighter over my shoulder.

"Well," he said, clearly needing a minute or two to think. "Maybe we can go stargazing in the Astronomy tower?" he suggested nervously.

I giggled. "Sure, why would I say no now?"

He looked at me. "Because Alex would refuse to allow you?"

I scoffed. "Alex doesn't own me. No one does."

Mattheo scoffed, before looking forward. "Not for long," he mumbled under his breath, confusing me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked as we reached the fields.

He sighed, turning to me as he placed his hand on my upper arm, stopping me. "Look, I don't want to seem controlling, or possessive, or something... but one day I'll-"

"Lee?!" Draco yelled from a few feet in front of us, grabbing our attention. "You're late!"

Suddenly I turned to Mattheo, giving a soft smile, before turning to Draco, running towards him. We rushed into the Slytherin quidditch locker room, where I duck into the bathroom, getting dressed. Without wasting time, I ran outside, before jumping onto my broom, flying into the air.

"Now!" I yelled, looking around me at all the other players on their brooms. "Ravenclaw has changed their routines, which means we need to be ready for everything. While Draco works on his terrible catching abilities, I want the rest of you to try shooting a goal. If you score, great, but if you don't, I will literally throw you with a boggart. No need to split into teams. We're only working on scoring."

Someone groaned, earning a glare from me.

"Oh? So you want to be a waste of time to me? What about you get kicked off of the fucking team? You'll be better as support from the bleachers than being on my field. Understood?"

They looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"Good. Now get to your positions!"

On the bleachers, Mattheo made his way to sit down behind Pansy, Enzo, Blaise, and Jacob. He watched me as I yelled their orders and easy positions they could use.

He sighed, moving forward. "Any news from Theodore?" he asked, making Blaise sigh.

"She's not a first or second year, for sure," Pansy said, leaning a bit back. "He's going through the third-year files as we speak."

With a sigh Mattheo sat back. "And wat's the progress on your task, Blaise?"

"Like we discussed. But I'm struggling to get the darn thing to actually work."

Mattheo rested his arms on his knees. "Pansy?"

"It's hard Mattheo. We can't get to the other cabinet. Every time we try, Draco messes up the spell."

"On purpose?" Mattheo questioned, rubbing his hands together.

Pansy sighed. "We are already working as slow as possible. We'll be done by the end of this semester, as your father planned. You need a plan Mattheo."

Mattheo sighed. "Lorenzo? Please tell me you have something?"

He slowly shook his head. "I'm trying man. It's impossible."

"Jacob? Tell me you have something... please?" Mattheo begged, knowing he was on his last straw.

Jacob pushed his hand through his hair. "Mattheo. We need more time. At least until the end of this year. We need another semester."

Mattheo groaned. "My father is not going to like that. In order for us all to live through this, we need a fucking plan. Soon."

"There's a cabin I know of," Alex said as he sat down next to Mattheo.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Mattheo asked as he looked at Alex with surprise and fury. "This is a private conversation."

Alex looked at him, before lightly pulling his sleave higher, revealing a small portion of a black tattoo. In disbelief Mattheo looked at him, confused and surprised.

"No one knows..." he said in a sigh. "Look. We all have our own tasks, but making sure she is okay, is my only mission."

Alex pointed to me, seeing me catch a ball before it reached the hoops. "Throw better bitches!" I yelled, before throwing the ball back.

"Theo?" Blaise asked, suddenly hearing Theo speak to him through a mind contacting spell. He sighed, looking at the others. "She's not a third-year student either."

The others groaned, before looking at me yelling again. "Do you want to fucking loose? Do you want to be known as the person who let our entire team down? No? Okay- then get your head into fucking place before you have to do it from the bleachers!"

Mattheo giggled, watching me throw a teammate with the ball, causing them to fall off their broom. Alex looked at him, narrowing his eyes as he inspected Mattheo's facial expression.

"Can you stop fucking staring at me?" Mattheo asked in irritation as he looked at Alex.

"I don't like you."

"And I don't give a flying fuck," Mattheo said in return. "Not like you're someone I'd want around anyways."

"I don't want you around her," Alex said, his voice possessive.

"She said it herself. You don't control or own her."

"But I do look out for her," Alex said, before looking at me again. "And I don't care if she hangs out with Lorenzo, or Draco, or fucking Jacob. But you? I don't like you. I don't want you near her."

Mattheo scoffed. "Do you have a crush on her or something?" he asked jokingly.

"Do you?" Alex asked in a serious tone, still sounding possessive.

Mattheo ignored him, keeping his eyes on me. another ball flew my way, but completely missed the hoops, shooting over them into the forest. Fury grew on my face. Suddenly he noticed a violet lint on my arm, making him chuckle.

"And you just cost us the entire fucking game. I swear, you are one miss score away from living on the bleachers for the rest of your quidditch career!"

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