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For a few hours we just sat and laughed, snacking on snacks, and laughing around. The boys stood up one for one and moved to the tree, soon having their own conversation, leaving the three of us forming a new sort of conversation.

"Did Dylan really ask you out, again?" Astoria laughed, almost dying as she fell back against the log.

I giggled. "Like he'll ever stop," I joked, making Pansy laugh along. I looked at the boys, who were all exchanging looks from each other to the lake, to us. I frowned but turned my attention back to the girls. "This is nice, we should do this more."

Before anyone could respond, a loud splash echoed through the forest behind us, but clearly coming from the lake. Simultaneously Astoria, Pansy and I turned and looked at the lake, suddenly seeing Blaise and Theo in the water, both clearly already soaking wet. We laughed, jumping up and walking to Draco and Mattheo, who both were still dry.

"You two are crazy?" Astoria pointed out, looking at the two who were floating. I leaned against the tree, looking at the two of them laughing.

"Oh really?" Draco asked, merely a second before grabbing her hand. He was already shirtless, just like the three other boys. "Wanna join?" he asked with a bright smile, making it unable to resist for her. She gave a giggle, before nodding her head. They both laughed while running into the water together, suddenly drowning their dry bodies in water.

Blaise jumped out of the water, grabbing Pansy by the hand. Before she could react, he tugged her with him back into the water, causing her to fall into his arms. She giggled, tying her arms around his neck. I laughed, shaking my head; how adorable.

"You coming Lee?" Blaise asked, looking over Pansy's head.

I laughed again, shaking my head again. "No thank you," I denied.

Barely two seconds after the three words left my rosemary lips, strong arms wrapped around my waist, suddenly lifting me up. I suddenly realized Mattheo carrying me in the air, towards the water.

"Mattheo?" I asked, trying to break free from his grasp. "No!" I laughed, trying to push his arms away from me.

Unfortunately, I had no luck. His grasp was too tight to be able to release me forcefully. But that didn't stop me. I tried kicking my way out of his jail, but the more I tried, the more everyone laughed. Before I knew it, he had managed to already fall into the water, pulling me with him. The water suddenly splashed over my face and sunk into my hair as I pushed myself to the surface.

In one movement, I had reached the surface and threw my head back, throwing my hair to fall back. When I turned to see them, everyone was laughing, except for Mattheo. He stared at me with big bright eyes, making me more mad.

"You arse!" I joked, suddenly splashing him with water. He laughed, splashing me back. Water flew through the air and fell on smiles and skin. The sun was still high, shining like the summer was busy ending, which it was. We all began a splash war, destroying each other's lives.

For many hours we all drifted around, throwing each other with water and laughing. The boys did Eventually Pansy, and Blaise sat down on a blanket, with Theo sitting against the tree. There were three large, completely dry shirts hanging over a branch, before Theo snatched his off and pulled it onto his body.

Astoria got out a while later, before laying down in the sun, letting the sun dry her off. Her dark green shirt was stuck to her skin, with her shorts dripping wet. Pansy joined her, even though she was quite dry already. They all started a new conversation while Draco, Mattheo and I had our own conversation.

"So, at practice," Mattheo started off, floating in between Draco and me. "What do you usually do?" he asked, swiftly actually asking me, but not directing the question to me personally. Unfortunately, Draco, nor I actually, realized it.

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