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{Third person-narrator}

Mattheo stepped int a room, being surprised by his father sitting on a chair, Nagini sailing around him.

"Mattheo," he said, inviting him over.

Only then Mattheo noticed other families sitting in the room as well. The Malfoy's, Nott's, Zabini's, Berkshire's, Nawaro's and Pansy's father. Snape was also there, along with the boys. Draco, Theodore, Blaise, Lorenzo, and Jacob.

Without thinking twice, Mattheo took a seat next to his father, before seeing Draco and Enzo nervous.

"How has your task been?" his father asked him, causing him to take a deep breath.

"I need more time father."

Voldemort looked at Mattheo with strict eyes. "More time? You've already had four months! How hard is it for you to find a girl?"

Mattheo was not scared of his father, but he was scared of what his father had done in the past.

"Turns out not so easy," Mattheo said with a tone, making his father mad.

"You will not speak to me like that!" Voldemort yelled, causing the others to be scared.

Mattheo sighed. "I apologize father."

"I've heard that you got yourself a new friend, Mattheo," Voldemort said, causing Mattheo to look at him with wide eyes.

"I've gotten many friends father." He looked around the table at the boys, seeing them all nervous.

"I don't mean the boys Mattheo."

"Astoria and Pansy are-"

"What was her name?" Voldemort said, looking at Theodore. "It started with a L. I can't quite recall."

"Lee, father," Mattheo said, making his father smile.

"Ah, yes. Lee." He turned back to face his son. "What is her last name, son?" he asked, staring into Mattheo's eyes.

Mattheo couldn't tell if his father was joking about whether he knew who she was or not. "Well, Le-"

"Lerose!" Lorenzo interrupted, surprising everyone. "Lee Lerose."

Mattheo frowned. Suddenly a cackling laugh entered the room, causing Mattheo to swing around, seeing Bellatrix.

"I see that Mattheo has a little distraction in his path," she said, sitting down across him. She turned to Voldemort, a smirk beaming from under her hair. "I say we get rid of the girl."

"Excuse me?" Mattheo asked in fury. "Since when do you make the orders?"

"Mattheo," Voldemort said, raising his hand, silencing Mattheo. He looked at Bellatrix. "I do indeed agree with my son. But you have a point. If we eliminate the girl, Mattheo might get his task done."

"Forgive me father, but Lee is in no way a problem! She is not a distraction." Mattheo was furious but tried everything he could.

Voldemort looked at Draco and Lorenzo. "Am I correct when I say you two know this- Lee?" he asked calmly.

"Yes my lord," Draco said.

"Will you fail on your mission to eliminate her?"

Everyone went silent. The boys had never killed someone before and asking them to scared their parents.

"My lord," Mrs. Berkshire asked softly. "Are you preposing that the boys kill her?"

Raising his head, Voldemort looked at Lorenzo. "I prepose that they get her out of the way. And if it leads to her having to be killed, it shall be that way."

"Over my dead body!" Mattheo yelled in fury as he pushed himself to a stand. Everyone looked at him in shock. "No one will lay a finger on her. And if they do, they'll have to deal with me."

Voldemort stared at his own son is disbelief. "Mattheo. Do not get in between us and a girl."

"Father," Mattheo said as he curled his hands into fists. "Lee will stay untouched until the day I say so. She is my only request."

Voldemort looked at the other boys around the table. "All of you boys, leave."

Slowly, but without hesitation, the boys stood up and left to Draco's room, along with Mattheo. They all exited the room in fear, nervous of what they would discuss after they left.

"Lerose?" Mattheo asked as he shut Draco's bedroom door. He looked at them in confusion. "Why the fuck did you say Lerose?"

Lorenzo sighed. "Lee is the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange. For as far as we know, Bellatrix doesn't even know that Lee is attending Hogwarts. She hasn't even mentioned having a daughter. If you openly say that we are friends with her, they'll want her in, or maybe even dead. We can't do that!"

"And why not?" Theo asked confused. "With Lee in, we can protect more kids at Hogwarts than ever before!"

"And how are we protecting kids now?" Jacob asked as he stepped in front of Theo, looking down at him. "We aren't. She is not going to help us much, beyond putting her in danger."

"We can't just make her decisions for her!" Theo yelled, looking at them with fury.

"Well we can't just give her up!" Blaise said, jumping in.

"Like it's our choice to make?" Theo commented.

"Guys!" Draco said, jumping in. "Stop being so loud!"

Lorenzo sighed. "Theo, Lee can take care of herself. But that doesn't mean that we'll just give her away."

"Mattheo?" Jacob questioned, looking around. "Where's Mattheo?"

Suddenly the doors opened, and Draco's mom entered.

"Mom?" Draco asked, seeing her a bit too upset. "What have they decided?"

"Draco you know I cannot tell you."

"Please mother?"

"Draco," she spoke softly. "You know well that I can't." Draco sighed and nodded. "They are ready for you."

Frowning Draco stepped forward. "For what mother?"

She sighed. "For your marks."

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