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"Party is over!" Snape yelled as he shut off the speakers.

Everyone went quiet, looking at him with a frown. I wasn't having it, but unfortunately I was also drunk.

"You're so fucking boring Professor," I said, letting go of Mattheo. "Come on! We just won a match against the Gryffindorks. Be fun, for once!"

Snape glared at me. "Excuse me Miss Lestrange, but don't you dare-"

"Speak to you like this? Oh god you are so old schooled! Fuck!"

Mattheo wrapped his hand around my mouth in an attempt to silence me, knowing I would get in way to much trouble if I kept talking. I shoved his hand down, looking at Professor Snape with a sour look.

"You are a fucking boring teacher. No wonder you're no one's favourite."

"Lee, stop!" Mattheo whispered behind me.

"We just won a match. In the fourth year you were fun, and even cover up for us when we had parties after games. Now you're so sour and boring. Fuck you!"

"Lee!" Mattheo said before strapping my mouth closed with his hand. "That's enough!"

Professor Snape was silent, before looking at Mattheo. "Get her out of here," he said, before turning around and walking off.

"Let's get her to our dorm," Draco said as he motioned for us to go to the dormitories. He turned to the rest of the Slytherins who just stood around. "You heard Professor. Party is over."

They dropped me down onto Mattheo's bed, where I forcefully sat up.

"And that's why we don't allow her to speak drunk!" Draco complained as he shut the door with a thud, making me flinch.

"Draco!" Astoria called. "You're loud!"

Draco looked at me. "I'm sorry Lee."

Pansy walked past Draco, whispering, "We need to get her settled down, calm. And make sure she doesn't get more alcohol in her system!"

Draco sighed, before whispering back, "That's going to take long Pansy. You know we always struggle with that."

That gave Mattheo an idea. "Come on Lee," he said, opening his arms.

I groaned. "I don't want to go to bed," I complained, getting up.

Immediately Mattheo jumped in front of me, grabbing me around the waist, keeping me on my feet. "Okay, you don't have to," he said as he looked at Draco. "Pillow on the floor," he said, looking at a spot in front of his bed.

Quickly, Draco snapped a big pillow of a chair, before putting it down on the floor. Mattheo managed to get me to the pillow, but when he tried to lower me, I kept a hold on him. Somehow he managed to sit down first, allowing me to sit down in between his legs, laying back onto his chest.

"What about a game?" I asked, feeling how Mattheo wrapped his hands around me, allowing me to lay comfortable.

"Truth or dare?" Pansy suggested, sitting down in between Blaise's legs as he sat on a chair.

"That'll be great," Mattheo said, before looking at me. "What do you think?" I nodded, making him smile. "Great. Truth or Dare it is."

Blaise frowned. "I thought we weren't seven anymore?" he questioned, causing Pansy to elbow him in the shin. He grunted, but quickly kept quiet, knowing she would do it again.

"Cool, Astoria, you go first," Pansy said, giving a smile.

"Okay, Blaise Truth or Dare?"


"Who was the first girl you slept with?"

Blaise laughed. "Pansy. We all know that."

"Okay," Draco said, growing a smirk. "Pansy, Truth or dare."


"Who was your first time."

"It was Theodore," she said without hesitation.

"What?" Blaise asked in disbelief.

I laughed, causing Mattheo to giggle lightly.

"Lee," Pansy began. "Truth or dare?"

"I'll start with Truth."

"I'm curious. Who was your first time?"

I kept silent, looking her in her eyes.

"We all know she's a virgin," Blaise commented, making me roll my eyes.

"Really?" Mattheo asked behind me. "You honestly don't look or act like a virgin."

"Sex is not something you just do Matty."

He nodded, admitting that I was right.

"Let me guess, you're a virgin?" Astoria asked, directing the question to Mattheo.

He chuckled. "Does it look like I'd just sleep with whoever came my way?"

"You didn't answer the question," Draco said, leaning back against his bed.

"No. funny enough I'm not."

I felt my own stomach evaporate into butterflies. I have no idea why.

"Okay," I said, moving comfortable. "Astoria, T or D?"

She smiled. "I'll do dare."

"Give your boyfriend a damn lap dance for once!"

She looked at me in disbelief, but Astoria never backed down from a dare. She stood up, before straddling Draco. I giggled as she gave him a proper lap dance. Gosh I was a good teacher last year. Eventually she stood back up, before sitting down next to him.

"Happy?" she asked, making me smile brightly and nod. "Great. Draco, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to go up to McGonagall on Monday and literally ask her out on a date."

I laughed. "You're so innocent Astoria," I said, causing her to laugh.

"Okay, Blaise Truth or Dare?"


"Is it true you liked Astoria in second year?"

"No. Mattheo, Truth or dare?"


"Who was your first girlfriend?"

"I have never had one."


"Ever. Pansy, Truth or dare?"

"Truth, duh."

"Who was better? Blaise or Jacob?"

"Sex, Blaise. Kiss, Jacob. Giving head... I'll go with Blaise."

They all laughed, until Mattheo silenced them. They all looked at him, before seeing me asleep on his chest. With bright smiles, they all slowly, and silently stood up, making their way out of the room, knowing I would wake up if they made noise. Before leaving, Astoria brought a smoke reeking blanket off of Mattheo's bed, and threw it over Mattheo and I.

"Will you be okay?" Draco asked as she stood at the door.

Mattheo smiled. "As long as she's safe and comfortable, I'll be alright."

He sighed. "You sure you should be so close to someone?"

Mattheo frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Dude. Your father wouldn't be quite happy with this."

"He can't control my life," Mattheo said, before looking down at me again.

"You sure about that Matty?" Draco asked as he stood up from the door frame.

"Do not call me Matty," Mattheo said, glaring up at Draco.

"Just be careful. We both know your father. And you of all people should know what he can do. And also, you haven't even met Alex. He'll be a pain if-"

"Draco, just leave," Mattheo said, before tightening the blanket around my shoulders. "You're going to wake her."

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