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TW: Abuse

Without waiting, all six of us scattered up to my room, all of us together. I entered first, with Alex following after me. Ginny immediately entered, and for some reason the golden trio joined us. They closed the door, before seeing me face plant onto my bed, groaning.

My room looked basic, like every other teenager's room. Two beds on opposite sides of the room. Small bedside tables. My bedding was violet, but Alex's was messy and dark.

"How were you two so calm?" Hermione asked as she sat down on a chair.

I sat up, frowning. "What do you mean?" I asked, before bringing a pillow in front of me, holding it.

"What do you mean what do I mean?" she asked frowning. "I have never seen Sirius so angry. And lashing out on Harry like that was-"

"Uncalled for," Ron said, finishing her sentence. "It was quite random."

Alex scoffed, and so did I. Harry looked at us, seeing us getting irritated.

"Was that uncalled for?" I asked, looking at Ron. "Try being thrown with a chair when all you have done was trip down the stairs, scraping your entire leg open, and a drop of blood stained the carpet."

With shocked eyes they looked at me, unaware of what to say. They were confused since that's not the Sirius they knew.

"And I was only nine." I stood up, walking to my closet, where I pulled out extra blankets. "It gets cold in my room at nights."

I handed the blankets to Ginny and Hermione. They looked around, noticing that there were two beds. I sat down on the one, but the other one had dark green bedding on.

"Lee, who's bed is-"

"Mine," Alex said as he sat back down on my bed. "Lee and I share a room," he said as he laid back against my headboard.

"That's a bit- unfair," Hermione said as she sat down on Alex's bed.

I shrugged. "It was either that or sharing a room with Harry. But we all knew from the start that that wasn't going to happen."

Harry looked away, feeling guilty.

"But it's fine. Lee and I enjoy sharing a room."

"Who are you?" Ron asked as he crossed his arms. "You know- in this family."

Alex chuckled. "Funny enough, I'm Sirius's son," he said, looking at Ron.

Ron, Ginny, and Hermione were shocked. I laughed, sitting up on my bed.

"Sirius has a- a son?" Ron asked surprised.

I giggled. "He sure does."

"Wait," Ginny said, frowning. "So he's like your, cousin?"

I nodded. "He is."

Hermione looked at Ron with wide eyes. "We always thought you two were, like, soulmates or something."

Alex and started laughing hysterically. "God no!" I said, sitting back up. "Ugh, that would be gross!"

Alex smiled, shaking his head. "Yeah, not ever going to happen."

I noticed Hermione sit with an embarrassed look on her face, avoiding eye contact. Suddenly I felt bad, feeling as if I had done something wrong for once.

"It's alright Hermione," I said, shocking everyone. "Many have made the mistake before."

She gave a soft, nervous smile, trying to hide her confusion.

I cleared my throat. "You boys should head to your room. So that we can get dressed and whatever."

In understood the boys said their goodbyes and left. Alex begged me to make him stay, but I forced him to go. He hated Harry more than anyone on earth. He always saw Harry as someone who replaced him as a son to Sirius. And I wouldn't blame him. He was a moran. He and Sirius.

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