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Speed walking down the hall from Potions, I rushed to the courtyard, where the rest of us were. I fell to the grassy ground next to Astoria and smiled.

"Plans, this weekend!" I blurted out excitedly. My voice was joyful, yet soft and calm. Astoria frowned, along with Pansy. "Saturday, we all come together at the lake super early in the morning, and have a great day, just the seven of us. It'll be amazing. Then Saturday night we have a group sleepover at one of our dorms. The boys can manage the snacks at the lake, and we can manage the snacks at the sleepover."

My words made Astoria and Pansy smile, but they were way too confusing for the boys apparently. They looked down at us, all frowning.

"That'll be great. We can plan silly games and have karaoke night and-"

"Wait, I'm lost," Theo's words made Pansy look up and glare at him for interrupting her. "Are you three making plans for all of us, or just the three of you?" he raised an eyebrow and noticed that all the boys were thinking the same. "It sounds like a girls weekend to me."

I laughed, looking at him. "Thee, we are not doing Mani- and Pedi's. We are having a group weekend. All seven of us."

"Still sounds like a girls weekend?" Blaise joked, sitting down on the bench.

"There'll be alcohol?" Pansy said with confident, seconds before smiles grew on the lips of the boys.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Draco said instantly, making us giggle.

"Count me in," Blaise added as Pansy moved to sit in between his legs on the ground.

"What we talking about?" Mattheo asked with a grunt when suddenly jumping over the wall and sat down on top of it. He dangled his feet over the side, looking down at us. His robe was messy, and his shirt wasn't tucked in. His tie was untidy, and he had some dirt smudged on his cheek.

"What happened to you?" I asked sour.

Mattheo looked down at his clothes and shrugged. "Just a small misunderstanding with a Gryffindore..."

I raised an eyebrow, knowing he was in a small fight with someone.

"Group weekend," Theo said, leaning against the wall. "Darling here planned it out perfectly. Saturday we come together down at the lake early morning and have a 'fun' day. At night we have a sleepover in someone's dorm." He had a sarcastic tone when he said 'fun' but only earned a glare from me.

"Is it a girls weekend or a group weekend?" Mattheo asked sarcastically, with a chuckle to follow.

"Matty!" I grumbled with a betrayed tone, making everyone laugh. He gave a chuckle, looking down at me with a smile and starry eyes.

"There'll be alcohol apparently," Blaise said, looking up at Mattheo.

"Oh, of course I'll join!" Mattheo responded, his voice suddenly enthusiastically.

I gave a chuckle and rolled my eyes, before looking down at the wand in my hand. I looked back up, seeing the green leaves above me. They all looked a bit dull, with no colour except green. I lift my wand, and gave a light flick, causing a few violet flowers to instantly bloom in between the leaves, all over the tree.

With amazed eyes, Mattheo looked at me, after seeing barely a few flowers bloom. He looked at my bright smile, looking up at the colours. Everyone looked up at the flowers, amazed by the contrasts of the leaves blending.

"Miss Lestrange!" a voice yelled from aside. I looked up and turned my head to see Professor Snape looking furious. "What did I tell you about using magic outside the classrooms?" His voice was upright and furious, like he owned me.

I rolled my eyes. "That there is no rule at school, saying that we are not allowed to do it," I said back, cocky. I stood up as I did it. "You can't punish me for adding a little colour to a boring tree, on school grounds I might add. I think you could use some adjustment. Being boring sucks, doesn't it? You would know..." I felt many eyes in the courtyard on me, most a bit surprised that I was back chatting a teacher.

"Don't talk back to me!" Snape yelled bitter, stopping in front of me. "You are unmannered and trouble."

I raised my eyebrow, looking him up and down. "Why seem so surprised?"

Pansy jumped up, grabbing me by my arm. I didn't look her way, instead I looked Professor Snape dead in the eyes, tugging my arm away from her grasp. Curious Mattheo leaned forward, surprised by my sudden bitterness and backchatting mouth. Blaise pulled Pansy back, away from me as Astoria looked at me with wide eyes, knowing it's a bad choice to keep me talking. Draco starred at Snape, who didn't care about his presence while Theo looked at me in disbelief.

"You're disrespectful, just like your mother," he spat, making me chuckle.

"I'm nothing like Bellatrix," I said strong with bitterness floating in my voice. "She's a psychopath and follows a murderer. I'm nothing like that shag."

I saw fury grow deeper in his eyes as I spoke back.

"You're a shame. So much sorrow for Sirius and Remus, having to take care of such a brat. I'd take you back to your mother, but seems like she didn't want you in the first place-"

"Well at least I have some sort of a family. And you? Not even a single friend." I smirked, not bothered by my own words.

"Watch your mouth little Lestrange-"

"Oh sure. Go cry to a flower about it." My sarcasm seemed to peer through as I tried to keep it away.

Snape stared at me in disbelief. "No wonder you were abandoned."

"No wonder you were chosen to be the snoopy death eater. You can't stay out of other people's business. Quite hard to since your life is so meaningless you have to steal the glory of others." I crossed my arms, looking him up and down. After a few seconds of silence I smirked. "Please, go cry in a dam, I'm sure a lily will care."

Of course I didn't care what Snape had to say, he was a death eater, a moron, someone who's opinion didn't mean anything to me. I didn't care that he was a professor at my school, to me he was just an annoying messenger for my mother. As he was about to respond, Professor McGonagall and Professor Slughorn came rushing into the courtyard. The stepped next to us, looking at me, both with fear.

"That's enough!" McGonagall said, making Professor Snape look away from me and to her. "Professor Snape, leave us." With that Snape gave a slight glance at me before turning away and storming off. McGonagall looked at me and sighed. "Oh dear Miss Lestrange, what will we do with you?" she mumbled, before just turning away and vanishing off.

Professor Slughorn looked at me and sighed. "I'll have to give you detention Miss Lestrange. My classroom Friday afternoon." He walked off before I could give any response.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. "What gave him the nerve?" I said irritated, while falling against the wall. "He'll never lay off. He always has to pick on me."

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