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I dropped down on my bed, already exhausted. Barely one week of school had passed, and I was already ready to give up. I was doing great in all my classes, but the work was a lot more than last year. I sat up, deciding to go for a walk to Hogsmeade, to grab a drink at the three broomsticks. Astoria and Pansy left earlier with Draco and Blaise. I had stayed behind with Astrology homework but agreed to tag along later.

I pulled on some jeans and a dark green loose shirt, before grabbing some cash and heading out. The air was fresh, like Autumn was near. Trees were still green, with light orange tips. The grass was still grown, greener that green.

I walked down the pathway, when unexpectedly, a tagalong came jogging next to me. I looked at him, before rolling my eyes and looking ahead.

"Well hello there princess," Mattheo greeted, smiling at me. I kept silent, but also kept my pace. "Hey!" he said quite loudly, grabbing my arm. I stopped, looking at him like I was completely unbothered, but yet I was with his loud, unbarring voice. "I don't like being ignored," he said in a mad tone, softer, like he could stare down at me, figuratively, yet he did literally.

"And I don't like being called princess!" I said, making him chuckle.

"Well if I knew your name, you wouldn't be called princess, princess."

"Matty, what the hell do you want from me?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"I want to get to know you," he said sympathetically.

I gave a chuckle, looking him up and down. "Okay baby Riddle, I'll give you one hint and three chances. If you get my last name right, you can call me princess for as long as you want." My teasing voice made him let go of my arm and agree. "I'll give you an easy one... I'm crazy."

Mattheo frowned, thinking of any possibility. He stood there for a few seconds, having no clue. I gave a soft laugh, walking back off and towards Hogsmeade.

I entered the Three Broomsticks, immediately noticing Astoria wave at me from the corner. I smiled, walking over to them. I sat down at the end of the table, next to her, across from an empty seat. Theo was also there, sitting on the end, looking at me as I looked around the place. I saw Draco walk over to us with a bunch of butterbeers in his hands. He placed them down, having brought seven instead of six.

"Oh, Malfoy. You brought seven, not six. We are six, not seven," I said, pointing at the extra butterbeer in front of me.

Draco shook his head. "No, Mattheo is coming too," he said, looking at the door.

Without a second to process the sentence, Mattheo sat down in front of me, immediately looking at me.

"Greenwood?" he asked, making the others confused.

"Nope," I said before taking a sip of my butterbeer.

He sighed, leaning back. "Otherlows?"

"Nope," I said shaking my head. "One more chance..."

"Well," He took another second to think, looking me up and down. "Black?"

"The Black family is not crazy, they are just seriously weird," I said in defence. "Oops, looks like your chances are up," I said sympathetically. He scoffed surprised, leaning back. "Guess princess has to go little Riddle..." I made a pout, making him roll his eyes.

"Sorry princess. I marked you with it until you tell me your name," he looked at me as he took a sip of his butterbeer.

"Well, he wasn't quite wrong-"

I interrupted Pansy, by throwing my hand in the air. "My last name is not Black."

The others continued with their conversation, something about quidditch.

"I can't believe they moved the entire season on. I was practicing for months now!" Draco caught my attention.

"They what?" I asked interested.

"They moved the quidditch season up an entire month," he said, sounding mad. "I just heard from the captain in last period!"

I frowned, immediately furious. I had also trained the entire vacation for this. As keeper, I had to be fast and also patient. I was amazing at my position, better than any other before me. I have been part of the team since fourth year. At first I was a beater, but I hated it. Soon, barely through the season, I got moved to Keeper, and I did amazing. We only lost two games to Gryffindor, one game to Hufflepuff and two games to Ravenclaw, in total, five. Other than that we were the best quidditch team in school, and sadly the most brutal.

"They can't!" I said furiously, frowning. "It's like cancelling quidditch!"

Draco raised his shoulders, like he had no answer for me. I sighed, taking another sip of my butterbeer.

"Well, think about it this way," a black-haired boy said from the point of the table. I looked up at Theo, who had his eyes on me. "Now you can focus more on school and practice more."

"They moved practice too..." Draco said, looking at Theo.

"Practice privately!" Mattheo said, speaking his mind.

"We tried last year," I sighed. "We got detention. Apparently it's against school rules to practice even though we were told not to." I didn't look up at him but kept my eyes on my beer.

"Like that stopped you," Blaise said, making me chuckle.

I looked at him, before picking my butterbeer up again and taking a sip. "Yeah, that caused me more detention."

Last year, the famous Weasley twins set the Gryffindore quidditch locker room on fire, which made all of their quidditch gear burn to crisps. McGonagall moved the entire quidditch season two months later, which was a blessing and a curse. We were completely banned from practicing, which we didn't have. Our team would go to the fields and practice at nights, but soon after someone snitched on us and that sent us right into detention. Many players of our team decided it's best to wait, but a few of us, specifically me, Theo and Alex would still sneak out. That cost us multiple detentions. We paid for it but didn't stop at all.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now