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The days had past, and I had been avoiding Mattheo completely. Not because he was a Riddle, but because he made me want to kiss him. Like no had ever had.

I laid back on my bed, looking at the roof. This was a busy day, like all Wednesdays are. I had a double Astrology with Astoria, which was mostly the only fun I had today. I skipped lunch, since I was doing Potions homework. I looked at the balanced patterns Astoria, Pansy and I had painted on the ceiling. They all faded together, making some sort of masterpiece.

Suddenly the door flew open, causing me to sit up and look at the boy who entered. He shut the door and turned to me, making me see the person I've been avoiding all week so far.

"Mattheo? What the heck?" I asked shocked, confused, and invaded jumping off my bed.

He stormed towards me, standing right in front of me, cornering me against my bed.

"What's your problem? You've been avoiding me all week so far. You've actually been avoiding our entire group all week." His words were furious, but also a bit curious. "Was it all the questions?"

I raised my eyebrow, looking at him like he was sounding like someone who was jealous.

"Did I do something?" he asked worried, confused.

I stood completely frozen, like I was lost, only I did know where I was, and I was indeed avoiding him.

"Please answer me!" he yelled, making me flinch.

I got mad. "And why do you care if I ignore you or not?" I asked curiously, making his eyes open wider. "Does my absence in your pathetic little life bother you that much?"

He took a step back, clearly thinking as he was at lost for words. I nodded my head, before walking to the door and opening it. I turned to him and moved away from the door, gesturing him to leave.

"I'll see you at dinner Matty," I said calmly, seeing him still in thought.

Without another word he walked out the door and passed Astoria and Pansy who came walking up the stairs. They looked at him and then at me, both growing interested facial expressions. I gave a chuckle, walking back into the room with a smile. Without a word they both came running into the room, both in need for information.

"Why was Mattheo Riddle in our room? Your room?" Pansy gasped, shutting the door behind her, and jumping onto my bed.

"He's weird." I scoffed, pulling clothes out of my closet. "He burst in here, suddenly accusing me of avoiding him all week long. But the moment I asked him why he cared, he went silent."

My words made Astoria and Pansy smile deviously. "Don't you see? Mattheo Riddle-"

"Is weird," I interrupted, disappearing behind the blinds. "He's just weird. He's a Riddle. All Riddles are weird, right?"

The two of them went silent, looking at each other.

"Well, not all Lestrange's are psychos, right?" Astoria's voice left the room silent and make me freeze to think.

"Matty is just weird, okay?" I stepped out from behind the blinds, wearing a jean and dark green crop top. "That's it."

"But you really have been avoiding him all week though. Well to be honest, you've been avoiding the entire group. Missing meals, taking different paths in the hallways." Pansy's voice was messy, but honest.

I glared at her, pulling heels onto my feet. "Come on girls, dinner is waiting."

I then noticed that the both of them were already in crop tops, jeans, and high heels. They both jumped up from their beds and walked after me out the door.

We were crowned the princesses of Slytherin, thanks to our last names. Lestrange, Parkinson and Greengrass. The three of us, as girls, had the most powerful families in Slytherin, and almost everyone knew. We were crowned the princesses in the second year. The boys, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Lorenzo and now Mattheo, were crowned the princes. And soon, many will call Mattheo the king, since we all know he is an air of Salazar Slytherin, like his father. In my opinion, I couldn't care less. Whether Mattheo was an heir or not, he was a prick.

Astoria, Pansy, and I usually wore our names high, like we owned it, and we did. We wore high heels often, which made many boys look our way, but to be honest, they did even when we just wore dresses. In my opinion, I enjoyed the attention sometimes, but other times I didn't. Thanks to the boys, barely any boys bothered us. They made sure we were off limits and safe.

We walked into the Great Hall, and the boys immediately noticed us. Draco and Blaise almost killed themselves as they didn't like boys look at us. It frustrated them. The three of us sat down in between the boys; Pansy next to Blaise, Astoria across me, next to Draco and I sat down next Mattheo, with no one on the other side of me.

Mattheo looked me up and down. He leaned forward, his lips barely an inch away from my ear. "What are you wearing?" he asked in a whisper, a bit possessive.

I looked at him with a frown. "What?" I asked in disbelief.

"What are you wearing?" he asked again in a soft whisper.

I rolled my eyes, followed by an almost silent scoff. "My god. I can wear what I want Matty."

"Really? It looks like you're distracting a few learners," his warm voice was still near my ear, still in a whisper. He slowly and swiftly looked around us, and not just at our table, the Gryffindor table as well.

"Distracting?" I asked with a laugh.

"Here," he whispered, before smoothly sliding his denim jacket off his shoulders and handing it to me.

I looked him up and down, feeling like he felt way to possessive over me. "I don't need your help Mattheo!" I said quite rudely.

He ignored my words and threw the jacket over my shoulders. Draco smiled at Astoria, before looking me up and down, losing his smile.

"I told you not to ever wear high heels!" he said, his voice clearly full of frustration.

"Draco?" I said rudely, a scoff in his name.

Mattheo looked down at my feet, noticing the black high heels on my feet. He gave a slight smile, before looking at me. Draco looked at my shoulders, only then noticing a denim jacket on my shoulders. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow, surprised.

"Last I remember you didn't have a denim jacket in your closet," he said, his tone a bit surprisingly cocky.

I frowned, feeling a bit confused as why he was behaving this way all of a sudden. "Since when were you in my-"

"She got cold," Mattheo interrupted, glaring at Draco.

"She doesn't get cold..." Draco scoffed. He kept his gaze on Mattheo, murder in his eyes.

I felt a weird vibe between them and couldn't seem to shake it off.

I looked at Pansy, who's eyes were on Blaise, and the two were clearly flirting. Pansy did that thing where she curled her brown hair into her fingers, making millions of little curls. She usually only did it when she was receiving compliments, and she loved them, or when she herself was flirting and giving compliments. Her eyes would sparkle, and she would give the guy's full attention. She'll hide her blush by resting her hands on her cheeks. That's how we first realized she liked Blaise. Of course we never told him, but we hoped he'd catch on by now.

I looked at Astoria, who I knew liked Draco. I haven't confronted her yet, but her eyes were usually on him, and she was always laughing at his lame jokes. She was looking at Draco with googly eyes, making me feel disgusted instantly. Even though he kept giving Mattheo glances, Draco had a conversation with Astoria, which made her laugh continuously. She had a cute laugh, which could make anyone smile or blush. She was always caring and sweet, much different from many Slytherins.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now