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"Ten points to Slytherin!" they called over the speakers, causing me to push my ear plugs deeper in.

"God I hate this," I whispered, watching as they all fought at the other end of the field. Quickly I tightened a violet lint I had around my wrist, before looking back up.

Suddenly all the action came to my side. In alert I kept an eye on the ball, seeing the lions pass it around. Ginny saw her opportunity, and threw the ball, but unfortunately I jumped forward, grabbing the ball before it reached the hoops. She looked at me, glaring into my eyes.

"Sorry cub," I said bluntly, before throwing the ball back into the field.

With fury she flew off, continuing the game. God I hated her guts.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Astoria and Pansy cheering on the benches. I looked at them, seeing Mattheo and Enzo sitting next to them, smiling at me. I could see them talking, but it didn't seem that Enzo was paying any attention to Mattheo, but it didn't look like he cared, he just kept talking softly.

Suddenly a ball came flying from the side, but I managed to spin under through my broom, when the ball suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyesight. I sat back straight up on my broom, looking to my right at Ginny who stared me straight in my eyes. She had a grin but lost it the moment I lift my hand into the air, holding the ball.

"Really? You think I'm that stupid?" I asked, before throwing the ball back to the players. "Come on!"

She took a deep breath as she glared at me, before returning to the others. With a smirk I continued.

After ten minutes, forty points to Slytherin, and one Gryffindore being bumped to the ground, the ball finally returned my way. Ginny aimed it straight at me, before hitting it, causing it to fly in full speed. I tried stopping it, but this time it was stronger than ever. It shoot into my stomach, causing me to shoot of my broom, through the hoop itself, before falling to the ground.

"Wingardium Liviosa!" I heard someone yell, causing me to suddenly float above the ground.

"Accio broom!" I yelled, flicking my wand. Suddenly my broom came flying back to me, pulling me back up into the air.

"And Lee returns to the goals!" Lee yelled over the speakers.

Ginny looked me dead in the eyes, growing a smirk. That was it. This bitch is now going to suffer.

I looked to my left, looking Mattheo right in the eyes. I mouthed 'thank you', before returning to the game. I knew he was the one who cast the spell.

"And Draco Malfoy caught the golden snitch. Slytherin wins!"

With a smile on my lips, I was surprised by Draco who flew right past me, sending my broom to spin around. I laughed, as I flew down to the ground. But I had other intentions than to celebrate. The moment I reached, I gave a flick to my broom, causing it to vanish.

I walked right to the moping Gryffindors, where a ginger saw me approach, but before she could react, I gave one punch, shooting Ginny to fall to the ground. Everyone around me gasped, surprised by what I have done.

"Next time, aim for the fucking goals and don't endanger the fucking keeper!" I said, before turning around, walking off.

"You bitch!" Ginny groaned as she pushed herself to stand up.

That was it.

I turned around, giving another punch, causing her to stumble down again. I got on top of her, giving her another, then another. People started forming around us, all curious.

Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around my torso, pulling me off of Ginny, and out of the crowds of people. They pulled me to an empty side of the field, before letting me go. I looked at them, seeing Mattheo look at me with amazed eyes.

"What?" I asked as I straightened out my uniform.

He chuckled. "What was that about?" he asked curiously.

I laughed. "That was Ginny. End of fucking discussion."

With a laugh, he placed his hands on my cheeks. "Gosh I'm glad you're okay," he said, keeping his eyes on mine.

"I'm alright Matty, goodness." I laughed, but he kept his position. "Are you okay?"

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, sending me to frown.


"Can I fucking kiss you?" he asked, looking me deep into my eyes.

I smiled. "What do you mean?" I asked, completely blacked out.

Without even asking again, Mattheo leaned down, his lips crashing into mine. It felt like it did at the lake weeks ago, just amazing.

He slowly pulled away, looking me in my eyes. "I asked if I could kiss you," he said, seeing me basically frozen.

I smiled softly. "Well you can," I said, causing him to lean down again, crashing his lips to clash into mine again.

Once again, just a-fucking-mazing.

He pulled away, before letting go of my cheeks. "Now, since it's already late, let's get you dressed into more comfortable clothes."

I frowned. "Why?"

"There's a party in the Slytherin's common room from ten tonight."

I chuckled. "It's already eight."

"Then let's go."

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