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The bell went for the last period, sending me to alert. "We have an hour," I said, looking at Draco.

He laughed. "Okay, okay. Let's go," he said, causing everyone to stand up.

With the flick of our wands, everything packed up, bundling up in the middle of the circle. I smiled, stepping forward, before giving a flick, causing everything to vanish. With shocked eyes, Mattheo and Enzo watched me push my wand back into my hair.

"Let's go!" I said, before grabbing Pansy and Astoria's hands, pulling them with me, out of the quidditch fields.

"Wait, where are we going?" Enzo asked as they followed after us.

"To the lake," Draco said, looking at me running ahead of them with Astoria and Pansy.

We all made our way to the lake, which was not as far as we thought. Quickly we reached it, where Astoria, Pansy and I reached first.

"Wait, what are we going to wear?" Pansy asked as the boys arrived.

I had a smirk on my lips as I pulled my robe off, followed by my pullover. I turned around, facing the lake for safety. Quickly I loosened my tie, causing them to realize I was stripping. I slipped off my shoes, followed by my stockings.

"Lee?" Mattheo questioned as he slipped off his robe as well.

I pulled down my shirt, revealing my black undergarments. I kept my shirt on, before I ran forward, suddenly diving into the pool.

With wide eyes everyone watched me resurface, my hair soaking and me catching for air. "You guys coming?" I asked as I floated around.

Pansy and Astoria looked at each other, before growing smirks. They both started to undress, up to their undergarments and buttoned up school shirts. With laughter, the two of them dived into the water with me, washing off the alcohol. The boys looked at us, all just sitting down as we swam around.

It started getting closer to quidditch practice, to a point where everyone except Mattheo and I went to the quidditch field. they all went to get dressed, refreshing up for practice. Even if they were just going to watch. Mattheo and I stayed at the lake, with me still getting sober, and him watching me. After a while I got up, and somehow he got me to wear his dry shirt as I sat down next to him, already late for quidditch.

"What is the story with Lorenzo?" Mattheo asked as we slowly started walking back.

I looked at him with a frown. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"I mean in your friend group," Mattheo said as he looked at me.

I giggled. "Alex and I met him at the train station in the beginning of first year. He was all alone. Immediately we clicked and became friends. As you know his parents are also death eaters. You probably saw him around the Malfoy mansion."

Mattheo laughed, shaking his head. "I didn't know many people. My father kept me locked away most of my life. Beyond some other boy, Draco, and some girl named Lawrence, I didn't know anyone around my age."

I looked at him with curiosity. "Was Lawrence your girlfriend?" I asked.

He smiled, shaking his head. "No, not at all. She was- she was a lesbian. She is dead anyways. My father killed her when she begged him not to make her parents death eaters as well."

I looked at him with sorrow. "I don't know what to say," I said, continuing to walk further on.

Mattheo laughed. "It's alright. Anyways, we were talking about Enzo?"

Suddenly I clicked back into reality. "Right, yeah. Enzo, Alex, and I made friends with Draco and the rest in the second year. We were originally nine. Me, Enzo, Alex, Draco, Pansy, Astoria, Blaise, Theo, and a boy named Jacob."

"Jacob Nawaro?" he asked curiously.

I turned to him, nodding. "Yeah, you know him?" I asked, causing him to nod.

"Yeah, Jacob, Draco and I would always prank your mother," he said, followed by a sweet laugh.

I sighed. "She's not my mother Matty," I said, not even glancing his way.

He noticed his error, and quickly took it back. "Sorry, I keep forgetting-"

"Enzo has a boyfriend, by the way," I said, looking at Mattheo.

I could see him get relieved, but he tried to cover it up by standing straight. "Really?" he asked rhetorically, hiding excitement behind his voice.

I laughed. "I see the way you glare at him. Like he wants me."

"And he can want you if he wants to." Mattheo pushed those words out, trying his best to not make it sound like a lie. I laughed. "I mean. He can want what he wants. I don't care."

I smiled. "I'm just putting it out there," I said, just as we arrived at the quidditch fields.

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