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"Lee," I heard a voice say in front of me. I looked up, seeing a ginger with scratches on her face and a few plasters.

I raised an eyebrow. "Someone fucked you up," I joked, making everyone snicker softly.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked, lightly glancing to Enzo and Blaise.

I frowned. "Weasley, what do you want?"

"Privately... I think you'll want to hear what I have to say." She looked nervous, and I could tell that something was indeed the bother. And she really needed to talk to me, privately.

"Anything you have to say, you can say in front of-"

"Of course," I said, silencing Draco as I stood up. "Uhm, meet me outside."

Before waiting for her to walk off, I climbed over the chair, heading that way, before Pansy grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Lee, what are you doing?" she asked in shock.

I sighed. "Pansy, I think she really just wants to talk."

"Or break your nose," Blaise mumbled under his breath.

"You know, shut it coconut," I said sourly at Blaise, before walking down the hall to Ginny who waited impatiently outside.

When I exited, I noticed her rub her hands together nervously as she looked around.

"Ginny, what's wrong?" I asked as I placed my hand on hers.

She sighed. "I- I can be wrong, or off, or whatever. But I know you have no intention whatsoever to get involved with your mother and the entire dark side with you-know-who and the death eaters and-"

"Ginny?" I questioned, more concerned than ever.

"Right, sorry," she said, shaking her head. "I've just noticed that Draco and Blaise and Lorenzo are all so odd. Not in a way that they always are, but something is off."

I frowned. "Ginny, I don't catch?"

She sighed. "They keep vanishing off to the room of requirements when you're not around. Sometimes Pansy is with them, but sometimes not. I don't know."

I shook my head. "Ginny, they probably just go screw girls or something."

She shook her head. "No. This is nothing like that I think. I mean. They exit sometimes with things. Things that I know for sure are not supposed to be in the room of requirements. I mean. Chains? Ropes? Those types of things are not in the room of requirements."

I sighed. "Ginny. Just because they vanish off to a room and return with objects doesn't mean-"

"I'm not done," she interrupted, causing me to frown. "I once cover heard someone speak to Snape about a closet and it having a brother. Somehow being able to teleport things from there to the other closet. And they spoke about a girl. They called her Belle. I don't know-"

"Belle?" I asked in disbelief as I grabbed my shirt against my chest.

"They want to use her or exchange her or some-" She noticed I was in shock, shaking. "Lee, are you okay?"

I looked at her again, my eyes wide. "What about m- this girl?"

She frowned, knowing something was off. "Well. They want to use or exchange her or something. She is valuable to them. Yet I don't know which one, or even who this girl is."

"And who was Snape speaking to?" I asked, loosening my shirt to not seem scared.

"Two boys. I don't know who. But I do know that they are Slytherin, and the one had no idea who Belle was. He was confused by her name, yet he also seemed uninterested by Snape's orders from you-know-who."

"How do you know it was from him?"

"Snape kept saying it was their duties for the Dark Lord. I don't know if it can be Draco or Lorenzo or Blaise or maybe Mattheo. I'm sorry."

I sighed, looking at the doors, making sure no one was listening to us. I turned back to Ginny, seeing her worried.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, curiously.

She looked at her feet, before slowly back at me. "I thought that you'd want to know if your friends were associated with you-know-who. I mean, they are like your family, right?"

I smiled softly. "Yeah."

I met her eyes again, when noticing all the cuts I had punched yesterday. I lift my hand to them, causing Ginny to flinch in reflex, but she noticed I had no intention to hurt her. I examined them, wanting to apologize as I traced my fingers over them, actually seeing the pain I caused. My hands were lightly shaky, but quickly I cleared my throat, pulling my hand away.

"Anything else Weasley?" I asked, looking away.

She sighed. "I know you're not a bad person Lee."

I scoffed. "When last have you looked in a mirror after yesterday?" I asked, meeting her eyes.

"I know you try not to be."

"You don't know me," I said, before walking past her, back into the Great Hall.

I walked back to my friends, where they all looked up at me, seeing me look confused, lost. I sat back down, causing Mattheo to place his hand on my thigh, grabbing my attention.

"You okay?" he asked, seeing me with open eyes.

I nodded with a frown. "Yeah. Why would I not be?" I asked confused.

"You seem, distracted."

"Distracted from what?" I asked, tilting my head.

Mattheo was confused, speechless. "What?" he asked confused.

I smiled, giving a giggle. "Nothing. Lunch?" I asked, before turning back forward, grabbing myself a sliced sandwich, before taking a bite of it, looking at the others as they were talking.

Mattheo was confused, lost. "Lee, what is wrong?" he asked, grabbing my attention again.

"Nothing. Now come on. You'll miss lunch!"

I turned back to the others, who all sat laughing and talking about the holidays. It was a few weeks from now, which didn't excited me at all.

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