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TW: Abuse

I laughed. "That was quite rude of you Alex." Slowly I looked down at my wrist, before tightening a violet lint around I my arm.

He smiled, shaking his head. Harry, Ginny, and I sat laughing with him, but Ron sat a bit traumatized. Hermione had her nose in a book, not listening anyways.

"So what? You left her there?" Ginny asked as she passed me the bowl of sour worms.

"What was I supposed to do?" Alex asked in defence. "Ask her to join me?"

I shook my head, but before I could say anything, there was a knock on the door. We all looked up to see Remus Lupin looking at us as he leaned against the door frame. He had a smile spread on his lips as he looked at us.

"I'm glad to see you all so happy," he said as he stood straight again. "Come on down kids, it's lunch."

Alex jumped up first, looking shocked. "Lunch? Already?"

I laughed. "Calm down Alex! It's just lunch."

Suddenly he scurried around, grabbing his jacket and shoes. "No, no, no! I'm late again!"

I got off my bed, confused. "Late? For what?"

"A- uh- date!" he said, before running out of the bedroom door.

I ran after him, rushing down the stairs. "Alex! Alex wait!" I called as I caught up to him before he could exit the door. "What date? You've been vanishing off to them for the last two weeks!"

"I'll tell you later!" he yelled as he ran out of the door, shutting it loudly behind him.

"Who shut the door?" I heard Sirius ask furiously. It send me shooting around, seeing him arrive. He looked at me frozen at the door. "Was it you? Again?" he asked furiously as the others slowly came walking down the stairs.

I shook my head hysterically. "No! No! Alex was in a rush and the wind was-"

"Don't blame someone else!" Sirius roared as he hit the wall beside me. I flinched in fear. "You know the rules!"

I was shaking. "I didn't blame anyone else!" I said in defence. "Alex did run out and-"

Suddenly he hit me through the face, causing me to fall against the wall. I held my cheek, feeling a tear escape my eye. I looked at Sirius through my messy hair. He noticed my tear and got more angry.

"Don't cry like a baby!"

"But I wasn't lying!" I said back, immediately regretting it.

He gave a sudden punch, surprising me. He never punched me before. I dropped to the floor as I covered my face in fear.

"Sirius!" Arthur yelled, stepping into the hallway. "That's enough now."

Sirius looked at me, and without another word he walked passed Arthur into the kitchen. Everyone looked at me from the staircase. I slowly, shakingly removed my hands from my face as I moved my hair out of my face. I stood up, seeing almost everything blurry out of my left eye. Arthur rushed forward, helping me to my feet.

"I'm okay," I said softly.

He let go of me, letting me walk on my own. I sniffled, before walking past everyone, without even giving a glance. I entered the kitchen, seeing Sirius on the end, looking at me, before down at his plate. Without a word I walked around the table, sitting down on the furthest side of him.

Silently everyone entered, seating themselves around the table. I pulled some hair down to hang over my left eye, so that no one would notice it. I took a deep breath, before feeling Ginny place her hand on my leg. I turned to face her, seeing her look at me worried. I gave a soft smile, before looking forward.

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