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After a few minutes of me acting asleep, the cart door opened, causing Pansy to shoot up, 'waking' me up. I sat up, before meeting these oof Ginny Weasley. I yawned, actually still being half-asleep.

"Sorry to wake you Lee, but we have to get our things ready for when we get off."

I sighed, before standing up. "Yeah, one second."

I pulled my bag off the rack above me, before turning to everyone and saying my farewell. It was hard to get Mattheo to let go of me, but eventually he did. I walked into the empty hallway with Ginny as we walked down to their cart. I kept retelling their words in my head. 'Maybe she'll join'? What did Theo mean? Becoming a death eater? I shook it off, before Ginny could expect something bothering me.

We entered their cart, where everyone looked at me. I didn't like them at all. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. The golden four.

I sat down next to Ginny, staring out of the window. They all continued their conversation, giving odd glances at me. I know that none of them liked me, well except for Ginny. She actually offered me jellybeans and liquorice. She started a small conversation with me about the Ravenclaw quidditch team, who have gotten a new playing strategy. We both agreed that they were way to smart to be allowed playing, which was odd. Usually we'd be punching each other by now.

Turns out, the two of us had a lot in common. We loved quidditch, as we already knew. She had a small (secret) thing for creating spells, like I created the vanishing spell. We were both crazy about Arithmancy, something students rarely took at Hogwarts. We both hated the Ravenclaw quidditch team. We loved setting small spells on children we hated.

It was strange, because never before would I have actually talked to Ginny, beyond us cussing each other and it ending in another fist fight. We never used our wands. It was old school.

The train stopped, causing children to flood out the stairs. The four of us waited for the majority of the other children to leave, before we even opened our cart door. Quickly we made our way out of the train, where I noticed Mattheo, and the other's get out a few doors down. I gave a soft smile, before giving aa wave at Mattheo, before he returned it.

"Come on, I got us a trolly," Ginny said, standing next to me with a smile.

I turned to her and smiled back, before placing my luggage with hers on the trolly. She offered to push it and refused my help. I made sure my owl was secure, before we walked down to the end of the station, where we saw everyone awaiting us. Of course Alex didn't come along, but I was still hoping to see his smile.

With wide smiles, everyone greeted everyone. I, on the other hand, just stood back. Mostly only Molly Weasley was friendly to me, as she was friendly to everyone. She gave me a giant hug, causing me to give a chuckle. Uncle Sirius looked at me, but without giving a smile, without even caring, he turned around, threw his arm over Harry's shoulder, and walked off.

I sighed, being left out, again. Unexpectedly, Ginny dropped Hermione and Ron, to walk next to me. I smiled, feeling quite special in a way.

I knew for sure, that the other's saw us walk off from the train, me, and Ginny, and they didn't really like it. They'd be confused mostly. Especially since Ginny and I were always at each other's throats when we got the chance.

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