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With excitement, after dinner, I got dressed into a set of jeans and a jumper, with a violet lint acting as a loose belt in my jeans. I walked down the stairs of the dormitories, before bumping into the quidditch captain at the bottom.

"Oh, sorry Lee," he apologized, before seeing me smile.

Suddenly it hit me. I missed quidditch practice. "Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I missed practice!"

He laughed, but quickly lost his smile before giving a sigh. "Don't worry, you didn't. The Ravenclaw quidditch team stole the field. But we are practicing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So don't worry Lee."

I sighed in relief, before noticing the time on a clock behind him. "Please forgive me, but I have to bounce. See ya!"

Before he could respond, I snuck out of the common room. The sun was still up, which was relieving. I managed to sneak to the courtyard without being noticed, hoping I'd find my anonymous date already there. Sadly, not. The courtyard was empty, sending sadness into my mind. But maybe they were just late. I sat down on a bench, out of the view of teachers since I knew their routes. It was a bit chilly, but I was fine with it.

For a couple of minutes I sat looking around, but no one was anywhere to be seen. The sun had already set, so I was in the dark. I started getting the feeling that whoever sent me that letter was not going to show up, which was quite sad.

After an hour or two, I found myself sitting crossed legged on the bench, while drawing with a charcoal I had in my bag. I sketched on the bench, drawing someone's smile. I didn't really draw someone specifically, really just the first one that popped into my head. I could see a few tear drops fall onto the stone bench, causing me to realize I was starting to cry.

It was a waste of time to wait.

In frustration I dropped the charcoal back into my bag before throwing it over my shoulder. I made my way down the hallways, to the dungeons.

Suddenly I heard someone yell, "Miss Lestrange!", behind me, causing me to turn around.

My cheeks were stained with tears and mascara, and it was clear that I had cried. Professor Snape stepped out of the dark with Mattheo and someone else, looking quite down, behind him. His eyes were digging into my soul, but I wasn't having it. I noticed Mattheo look up, which sent me into panic.

"I'm heading to my dormitory. Don't worry sir," I said, immediately turning around, hoping Mattheo didn't see me. I walked further down the hall.

"Don't be so fast!" Snape called, making me freeze. "Why are you out of your bed at this hour?" he asked, walking closer to me.

I sighed. "Well I'm on my way to bed," I said, still not turning around.

"Miss Lestrange! Turn to me when we speak."

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was right behind me. I turned around, when suddenly meeting the brown eyes of Mattheo. His eyes widened, before he pushed himself forward, cupping my cheeks as he looked me direct into my eyes.

"Why were you crying?" he asked with anger. "What happened?!"

I lift my hands, pushing his off my face. "I'm fine," I said, before looking at Professor Snape. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to head to the common room, where I am supposed to be. Write me up for detention, I don't care."

Without waiting for a reaction, I turned around, walking down the hall.

"You two," Snape said, looking at the two boys. "Go with her!"

Quickly Mattheo and the other boy caught up with me, walking with me down the stairs to the dungeons.

"Why are you crying?" Mattheo asked in worry as he managed to walk next to me. I stayed quiet, really not in the mood to talk about it. "Hey!" he said, grabbing my arm.

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