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I realized that everyone was talking to someone, but I was not. Mattheo and Theo were talking, Blaise and Pansy were flirting, Draco and Astoria were just talking. I pushed myself up from the table, and I walked off, hoping no one saw me disappear, and I don't think they did. I vanished out the doors and into the dark halls. I walked out into the courtyard, seeing the dark, but brightly dotted sky.

I sat down on the stairs, looking over the forest and the lightened skies. I was truly in love with the view. I felt the light cold breeze flow over my cheeks. It felt fresh and peaceful. I felt free from the crowded hall.

Suddenly someone appeared next to me, as I didn't hear them approach. I looked up at them, seeing Mattheo look down at me. I smiled, before looking back over the forbidden forest. He sat down next to me.

"I see you pulled on my jacket," he said with a slight chuckle.

Looking down, I saw that I have indeed pulled on the jacket when I was walking to the courtyard. A giggle escaped my lips before I looked at him.

"I guess I got cold..." I joked, making him laugh slightly.

"Why are you out here all by yourself?" he asked calming, like he actually cared.

I frowned, not quite knowing why I was out here. I guess I just stood up and walked out.

"I- I don't know," I admitted, looking at him. "Maybe I just wanted some peace and fresh air?"

He looked at me as I stared back at the sky, his eyes attached to me. He got lost in my eyes, the dark blue eyes that were stuck on the sky. He could see the reflection of the moon in my eyes, like I was really focused on the full moon. The wind blew a little stronger, but somehow it didn't affect Mattheo's bear arms at all. He seemed warm, like he couldn't feel the cold breeze.

"I'm sorry for all the questions the other night. I guess not knowing someone can really make a person crazy sometimes," his voice was still calm, unexpected.

I looked at him, feeling captive by his eyes the moment I caught them. "I don't really talk about myself," I said, looking down at the ground, suddenly like I was zoning out. "I find it hard to open up to others, like I don't know who to talk about things to..."

Mattheo kept his eyes on mine, noticing that I had a lot under my shell. "Well, you can trust me," he suggested, making me chuckle.

"Trust? A funny word isn't it?" I looked at the forest and took a deep breath. "I can't trust anyone. They always let me down..."

Confused Mattheo tilted his head. "What about Draco and Astoria, Pansy and Theo?"

"Theo has always hated me," I looked at him. "But now I don't quite know. Draco let me down before, a lot. Blaise is just another friend in my group, son of a death eater. Astoria snaps when she's angry and spills everything, which is more often than you might think. You tell Pansy one thing and the next day the entire school knows." I looked away from him, down at the fields. "We're all children of death eaters Mattheo, well except for Astoria, but- we'll all have to fold soon."

I took a deep breath, before wiping a tear off my cheek. I stood up, and he immediately followed after me.

"But why keep something from Draco? He's your- boyfriend..."

His words made me chuckle. Oh god. "Malfoy and I? Are you crazy?" I laughed. "No way! He's like one of my best friends!"

Matteo's face faded into snow. He looked completely embarrassed, for about the first time in his life. He was speechless, looking at me with wide eyes. I had a bright smile over my lips, amused by myself.

"Oh Matty. You're new here. Here's a tip: Don't go questioning people's lives, some you don't want to know of, and some are worse than you might think."

I placed my hand on his cheek, feeling warmness. We stared at each other's eyes, lost in them. He slowly and patiently bent down towards me, making me feel loose, honestly. I looked away from him, pulling my hand to my own chest.

"Goodnight Mattheo," I said, trying not to sound exhausted.

I walked up the steps, before he grabbed my wrist. I looked down at him, seeing stars in his eyes.

"You can really trust me, my princess..." he said, looking at me seriously.

I gave a smile as he let go of my wrist. "No one's princess, and I don't trust anyone Mattheo. Not even myself."

I turned around and trampled back up the stairs and through the courtyard. I walked past the Great Hall, seeing many kids still eating, mostly just Gryffindore. The Slytherin was empty, except for a few prefects. I disappeared off to the common room, silently and unrushed.

I walked around the corner into the empty hallway. Softly I heard the footsteps of someone behind me. I spun around, immediately facing Professor Snape, looking as dead as possible. He looked down at me, looking mad and disappointed.

"Are you aware of the time miss Lestrange?" he asked bitterly.

I smiled. "No professor. I thought it was lunch in a few minutes."

He sighed. "Why are you out of bed?" he asked strictly, like a parent who just put there ten-year-old to bed.

I smiled, "Don't worry sir, I'm on my way to the common room!"

I walked past him after saluting, leaving him glare at me as I vanished off.

Into the dungeons and into the common room I entered, seeing the place completely empty. I sat down in front of the fireplace, on the ground. With the flick of my wand, the fire was lit and heating up the room. I didn't understand how it was so warm during the day, but suddenly cold at night. It was truly a mystery to all.

I sat crossed legged, against the couch, looking at the crackling flames. I didn't hear children enter the common room and vanish into their dorms, getting settled into bed. I had snatched a book off the table that someone had left and dug my nose into it. It was quite interesting. The words of a true author. Speaking about how love can manipulate someone's mind and not just your feelings. I had grown complete interest in the book, that I didn't even notice myself doze off, and the fire die. I closed my eyes somewhere on page fifty-three and fallen asleep.

The arms of fire rapped around me. The steps of a soft glider carried me away, taking me to a cloud, acomfortable dream. I just saw the blurry face of a boy, who was unknown to my lostmind. The night carried in again as I felt the hands of a strong boy pull ablanket over my arms and shoulders, tucking me into my own reality. I laidback, feeling the lips of a thief kiss my forehead and steal my dreamless nightaway.

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