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I jumped out of bed, into the showers and then into my school uniform. Grabbing my books I trampled out of the dorms and common room, down to the Herbology greenhouses, where I knew I was at first period.

I dropped my books down, before vanishing off to the owlery, seeing if I had any mail. My owl, Mavi, needed some snacks anyways.

In hopes that I had a letter from Alex drove me into running up the stairs. I heard the owls chatting, but not like usual. Someone was in the owlery with them. The sound of their unfamiliar laughter made me curious. Usually no one came to the owlery this early on the first day of school.

Entering the doors I saw someone, a young Slytherin boy, sitting on a little bench against a wall. His feet crossed in front of his body with a letter in his small hands, he chuckled as he read the letter. He didn't look older that twelve. The moment he noticed me, he lost his smile, his eyes suddenly opening. I could tell he was scared, by the way he grabbed his letter tighter to his chest, like he was scared I was going to bully him.

To be honest I wouldn't if I didn't have a reason, but no one understood that at all.

I gave a soft smile before walking over to my owl, where she stuck out with her emerald-green eyes and dark grey feathers. I stroked my hand over her head, making her quiver. She stuck her beak behind her back, before pulling out an envelope stamped with the darkest green that faded into my eyes. Alex.

I stuffed it into my robe, before turning to the boy, who still had his wide eyes on me. I smiled, which made him open his eyes more.

"Don't be too long. You wouldn't want to be late on your first day do you?"

He was shocked by my sudden kindness.

"You- you are not going to be mean to me?" he asked shivering.

I sighed but kept my smile. "First year, right?" I asked calmly. He nodded, keeping his wide eyes. "I bet you have Snape as DADA. Probably either first period or last. Don't be late, he hates it."

Slowly the little brown-haired boy loosened the grip on the letter, which he pulled away from his chest. He looked a bit less scared, but gave a slight, small smile.

"What's your name buddy?" I asked with a caring voice.

At first he hesitated, but finally gave in and whispered loud enough for me to hear, "Austin..."

I smiled, looking at the entrance to the owlery, before back at the boy. "Well Austin, I'm Lee."

He smiled a bit brighter, almost completely relaxed. I noticed a small rattle snake sowed into his bag, which made me smile.

"Don't wanna be late now, c'mon."

In an instant Austin jumped up, grabbing his bag in the one hand, and clutching the paper in the other. He ran past me, but when he reached the stairs he walked a bit slower. I walked after him, making sure he walked down the stairs properly. When we reached the bottom he ran towards the castle in a rush, leaving me to walk alone to the greenhouses. I could see a bunch of kids had already gathered around it, all clearly missing breakfast as well.

The first period was just quite a recap of what we learned last year. The basics of plants and soil. The second period was Potions. Simple and quite boring. Professor Slughorn just recapped a lot that Snape didn't teach us last year. Third period was Astrology. We did a small test that didn't quite count marks, but yet again just to test what we remember from last year. During lunch I was quite hungry, as I didn't eat breakfast. I dropped down next to Astoria at the Dining hall table. She looked at me and smiled.

"And? How was your first day as a sixth-year student?" she asked, her voice hiding silliness.

I giggled. "Well, it's really mostly a recap of last year. It was quite boring to sum it up." I looked around, noticing eyes on me. I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Can I help you?" I asked the eyes that immediately shot away.

"Lee," Astoria whispered, stomping on my foot under the table. I turned to her with a frown, quite surprised by how hard she stomped on my foot. "Come on." I shrugged, before looking in front of me, where Pansy laughed.

"Come on, he's curious about your hair," Pansy said with a sweet voice, making me roll my eyes.

"What's up with my hair?" I asked, pulling it in behind my ear. Pansy and Astoria giggled. "I like it. It was a bit of a change, you know?"

I smiled, before looking at the boys enter the great hall. They all looked scuffed, like they had a fight. Not just that, but they also looked furious. I leaned forward, forcing the two girls to lean closer to me.

"What happened to them?" I asked, pointing my eyes at the three boys.

Both their heads immediately looked at them, both surprised by the dirt all over them. Behind them, the faces of Harry and Ron made me smirk.

"Never mind," I whispered as the boys approached us and sat down.

Pansy immediately started dusting off Blaise, but Astoria and I left Draco and Theo to dust off themselves. "What the hell happened to you?" Astoria asked, her eyes wide and her voice low.

Draco scoffed. "Potter," he said, glaring over my shoulder at the two lion cubs who seated themselves. I smiled, turning back around to Draco. "What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Potter has a bloody nose. Care to tell me who did it?" I asked, looking at the three boys.

Blaise sighed. "Theo."

I looked at him and smiled. "Nice. For once you didn't do something fucked up."

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