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I made my way down the stairs of the courtyard with a bag over my shoulder as I tied my hair of in a messy ponytail.

On my way to Hogsmeade, I noticed that not many kids were actually going there this weekend. I found myself falling into the first make-up shop that I could find.

"How can I help you?" a woman asked as she walked to the counter.

I smiled a sweet smile, making the woman smile back at me. "I have a long request. I think I might bore you," I said, making her chuckle.

"Well, I'm sure we can figure something out."

With a smile I gave a light giggle. "Great. So many of my friends have run out of foundation, and I was the one sent to buy it for them since they all scored detention." The woman laughed, making me chuckle. "I do know their skin tones and their depth, so I was wondering if you can show me all the types of tubes you have so that I can just choose the right colours?"

The woman smiled. "How lovely of you. And give me second."

After a few minutes, she returned with about twenty bottles. I looked through them, picking out eight bottles. One for me as well, of course. As she scanned them, I scanned through the shop one last time. Somehow I returned to the till with eyeliner, dark green and grey shades of eyeshadow, black lipstick, mascara, and blush.

With a smile she scanned them up, which wasn't very expensive. I packed it all in a paper bag, before saying my farewell and returning to the not so busy streets.

I found myself entering a clothing shop, where I found the hottest, yet cutest short dresses with long sleeves. Of course I had to buy three, one for me, Pansy and Astoria. I bought seven denim jackets for the boys, and three for us girls. I found the hottest pair of high heels for me, and the cutest pair of hair pom-poms.

While continuing to walk down the street in Hogsmeade, I passed by the Three Broomsticks. As a habit, I looked in the door as I passed, and only a few steps ahead, I realized what I had seen. Automatically I reversed, looking back into the door. Then I saw what I wished I hadn't.

Mattheo sat across a girl, a small smile on his lips. She laughed, touching his arm in a flirtish way. For seconds I stood watching her giggle at whatever he said. Suddenly he said something, making her agree. Quickly he took his jacket off his chair and swung his hand over her shoulder.

As they were heading for the door, I jumped aside, ducking in behind the door. I heard them talking as they walked passed me. She laughed a flirtish laugh as he had a smile on his lips. I looked at them walk, which instantly made my heart shatter.

It wasn't Payton, but that girl had the darkest brown hair that I had ever seen. Her clothes were a tad bit inappropriate, but more appropriate that anything I'd ever wear. I watched them walk off, which made me upset, but yet I kept myself together.

After a quick joint behind the Three Broomsticks, I was fresh and smiling again. I made my way back down the street, visiting more and more shops.

I found the cutest pair of snake earrings that would fit with my brooch and necklace. I found myself some new, cute and yet boner-giving underwear.

Without hesitation I entered a candy shop and bought myself jellybeans. With bags and bags of clothing floating after me, I walked eating jellybeans.

I made my way back to Hogwarts, where I headed straight to my dorm. Astoria and Pansy were already there, surprised to see me.

"Where were you?" Pansy asked as she jumped up. "We were looking for you all day long!"

I smiled, turning to them. "Tonight is a party, yes?"

Pansy narrowed her eyes but nodded anyways. A smile spread widely on my lips.

"Great. Now where are the boys?" I asked as I sat down on my bed.

Astoria frowned. "Lee, why?" she asked as she saw me digging into a bag.

I looked at her, a sweet smile on my lips. "Well," I said as I looked at her again. "No one is wearing long sleeves tonight," I said, making Pansy look at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, Lee. Maybe we just like having-"

"Yeah, yeah. It's to cover up your dark marks," I said, digging into the bags again. Pansy's eyes widened in surprise. "So..." I pulled out foundation, surprising them. "We'll cover it up."

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now