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We each drank one more beer, before putting out the fire. We headed back, right before dinner. The halls were already filled with students who were all in normal clothes, like every weekend. They all headed to the great hall, while we rushed to our dorm. The boys tried their best to avoid teachers, as all except Draco were shirtless. Which was funny because Blaise and Theo both had dry shirts. The boys grabbed shirts for them and changed into different pants. Us girls slipped into long jeans and nice long sleeve shirts. I kept the violet lint around my neck, even if it was cold.

Quickly we headed back to the great hall, where slipped in a few minutes before dinner. We sat in our basic order: Mattheo sat down next to me; Astoria, Draco, Pansy and Blaise sat across us and Theo on the other side of me.

"You looked quite hot in my shirt," Mattheo whispered as Dumbledore started saying his nightly words. I looked at him, frowning slightly. "Just saying," he whispered, looking at me with a smile.

My cheeks coloured, but the with the clap of Dumbledores hands snapped me out of Mattheo's sudden flirt and into reality. I looked in front of us at the food that appeared, not really in the mood for dinner.

I mean, we are getting snacks tonight either way. And probably also having an all-nighter.

Everyone ate, chatting small talk. I nibbled on a slice of carrot cake, just listening lightly as they all talked about their classes. As always I would just observe, not really having anything to add.

After time we slowly started walking back to the dorm, me walking behind them as they argued about a DADA thing. We slowly made our way into the common room and then into their dorm.

Pansy immediately fell down onto Blaise's bed, not even asking which one was his. She obviously knew... Astoria and I sat down on the floor after snatching a pillow from someone's bed and placed it on our laps. The boys all looked a bit awkward, shifting from corner to corner in the room. They were moving things, trying not to look obvious that they were cleaning little things. I could see Draco moving things around like books and shoes. Astoria and I noticed easily, while Pansy and Blaise sat on his bed, flirting. Merlin, I just realized something obvious, the slept together before! That gave me complete shivers. Oh merlin eww!

Finally the boys calmed down. we all laughed and joked until past midnight. Blaise, Theo, and Pansy all got wasted. Draco and I were the only sober ones. The rest were tipsy. Eventually Astoria fell asleep in the same bed as Pansy, which was Blaise's. Theo fell asleep in his own and Blaise slept on a chair that they probably stole out of the common room. Near the end only Draco, Mattheo and I were awake. We sat in the one side of the room, just finished cleaning the room. Draco slowly moved to his bed, and before we knew it, he was out.

Mattheo and I sat across each other, both silent. I felt the sleep creeping into my body, stealing me from the light. I didn't want to fall asleep and leave Mattheo awake alone.

But my mind thought different.

By the time we were all cleaned up, I was already half-asleep. Mattheo noticed quickly, somehow forcing me towards his bed. I couldn't really remember how, but I found myself in Mattheo's bed, looking at him across the room.

"I can really just take the-"

"Get to sleep," he interrupted, knowing my stubborn ass won't stop complaining. I sighed. "It's past one and you are exhausted." He smiled at me. Before he could say something else, he noticed me all blacked out.

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