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Just as I reached the courtyard, the bell went, sending the halls into chaos. I found myself walking to the Great Hall, even though I wasn't hungry. The first years were in a rush like usual, still learning the ways around the giant castle. I saw Astoria and Pansy at the table, along with Draco, Blaise, Mattheo, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle. With a smile I walked towards them, sitting down in between Pansy and Astoria, placing my books on my lap.

"Wondered where you were," Pansy joked, looking at me.

I smiled, before seeing Crabbe stare at me amazed. "Are you alive Vincent?" I asked, looking at him like I've been offended.

Immediately he looked away. "Uhm, sorry. No sorry, I-"

"You've changed a lot," Blaise interrupted, stopping Crabb's muttering. I raised an eyebrow, unsure of what he ment. "Like, your looks," he said, before stuffing food in his mouth.

I gave a chuckle, looking at Draco. "He's not wrong," Draco said, giving a slight nod

"Thanks Zabini, that's so extremely random and kind of you," I said sarcastically, before looking at Astoria and pulling my nose up, widening my eyes like I was disgusted.

She smiled, looking at Blaise. "Cherish that Zabini. She never says thanks to you..."

"Or anyone," Pansy whispered.

Her words made us all laugh, Mattheo included. I've noticed his eyes on me the whole time, like I was the only thing in the entire room. I shook it off, like I usually do.

"You coloured your hair, I've noticed." I looked at Theo, who smiled at me. "Dark brown hair looks good on you by the way, especially with the light green strands and the slight dark green underneath. It's binding." His words were kind and sweet, like never before.

"Now your complimenting me?" I asked while raising an eyebrow. "That's quite odd..."

Pansy gave me a nudge, making me look at her with a frown. "Be nice," she whispered, making me roll my eyes.

Draco looked past us girls, before giving a scoff. I frowned, noticing he was looking behind me. I turned around, noticing Potter stare at us. I sighed, turning back to Draco.

"Draco, just kill him already, because the two of you are getting on my nerves." My words were honesty. They were both constantly looking at each like they wanted to kill each other, and I know they did want to, but so did I.

Draco laughed, before wanting to speak, but Mattheo beat him to it. "I've heard about Potter, the golden boy. The boy who lived the killing curse," he glared past me for once, staring into Harry's soul. I could just imagine the shivers Harry got.

"Yeah, the one your death eating father cursed upon him," Theo said bitter, which grabbed all of our attention.

"Come on guys, cut him some slack!" Pansy said, grabbing my attention. "He just got Snape as a DADA professor, which is the best punishment he can get for now."

Her joke made me laugh, even if it was completely true. We all know how those two hate each other. Since day one. I looked at Mattheo, who had his eyes on me again.

"Who are you even princess?" he asked, a bit too rough. The other's went silent, suddenly looking at me.

I raised an eyebrow, making Blaise take a deep breath. "Like I said, I'm no one's princess," I said, staring at his brown eyes.

He gave a chuckle, crossing his arms on the table. "What's your name then? Maybe I'll stop calling you princess then."

His words made Astoria and Pansy giggle, which made Mattheo grow a grin, still only looking at me.

"Well Riddle. I guess you'll have to get a different name for me because princess is not going to stick." I stood up, along with Astoria and Pansy. "Now get rid of that god damn nickname, or you won't live to say it again."

We turned around and started walking away, slow enough to hear Mattheo, Draco and Goyle talking.

"What's her problem?" Mattheo asked, looking at me as I walked away.

"She doesn't like her name," Goyle replied, looking at Mattheo.

"What do you guys call her then?" Mattheo asked, seeing us slowly fade away.

Draco looked at him, seeing his eyes on me. "It differs. Some of us have our own personal nicknames for her. Like I mostly her my queen. But many others just use her nickname Lee."

"I call her Darling, because she is indeed sweet and kind, and mostly rude," Theo added.

His words earned a raised eyebrow from Mattheo, but a bit unseen. When he looked back at the doors, Astoria, Pansy, and I have already disappeared out the doors and split down the halls to our next classes.

I headed straight to Herbology, being quite early. I sat down in the back of the classroom almost the entire period, just listening to Professor Sprout talk about the cycle of a few plants, from seedling to first leaf, to the death pit, to the toxic flower, to the drowning, to the death of the plant itself.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now