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Slowly and carefully I opened my eyes, noticing I was in an unfamiliar room, on a bed. I jumped up, looking around in fear.

Suddenly the door opened, and Mattheo entered with a cup in his hands, surprised to see me sitting up and awake.

"Where are we?" I asked, standing up.

Mattheo sighed. "A cabin in the woods." He placed the cup of coffee down, which somehow made me remember everything that I last saw happening.

"Where is he?" I asked, making him look away from me. "Mattheo, where is Alex?" I could hear my own voice shake, breaking. My eyes filled with tears as Mattheo avoided eye contact. "Mattheo, where the fuck is Alex!"

"I'm sorry," he said, meeting my eyes. So the sorrow in his eyes, which was the last straw. My heart shattered.

"No!" I yelled in pain, before suddenly crashing down onto the floor.

Within seconds Mattheo fell down to me, wrapping his arms around me. I cried out in pain, feeling my heart burn. Pain echoed through the house, making everyone downstairs close their eyes, knowing what was happening.

"No!" I cried, making Mattheo rock me back and forth.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, hearing me cry. "I'm really, really sorry."

He rested his head on mine as he kept rocking me back and forth.

"I'm sorry princess. I couldn't protect them. I just couldn't."


Slowly I made my way down the hallway, where I suddenly saw four people sit around a table, one with a pot in her hands. Pansy, Mattheo, Draco and Enzo.

Without a word I entered the kitchen, suddenly making them notice me.

"Lee," Pansy said, placing the pot down in the centre of the table, before walking up to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me to her. "Astoria, she's-"

"I know," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her torso, sinking my face into her shoulder. "I know about them all."

We sat down, before Draco cleared his throat. "We can't stay here long. They'll find us soon."

Pansy sighed. "I did as Mattheo said and contacted the ministry. They contacted back, saying they did catch many of the death eaters that were still at the Malfoy Mansion, but four got away. Bellatrix, Lucius, my dad and- and you-know-who."

"Voldemort," I said, sitting back. "He's killing us either way, so just say his name."

I kept my eyes on the violet string on my wrist, twisting it around.

Mattheo sighed. "Where do we go after this?" he asked, looking at us.


"No way," I said, looking at Enzo. "It's not safe there either."

"Where do you live?" Pansy asked, looking at me.

I shook my head. "I'm not going back there. Not ever again."

Mattheo sighed. "We'll find somewhere," he said, looking at me. "Somewhere safe..."

I pushed myself up in fury. "There is no place safe Matty! They'll find us either way. We can stay here and fight or run away and fight."

He stood up, walking to me, putting his hands on my upper arms. "Lee, I know you're scared-"

"I'm not scared!" I said, meeting his eyes. "I just lost my soulmate. My best friend. He was killed in front of my eyes. I am not scared Matty. I'm pissed!"

He moved his hands to my cheeks, forcing me to looking him directly in the eyes. "I know you are, and so are we. But we can't defeat them."

"But we can sure as hell try," Draco said, making us look at him.

"He's got a point. We fight with all we have."

I looked at Enzo, giving a soft smile. "We avenge our friends."

"And kill my dad."

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