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TW: Death

The roof shattered down, causing us all to rush out. We had been hiding for a few days, and I think they found us.

Suddenly we ran through the woods, flicking spells back as we all headed to the open fields.

"Lee, run!" Draco yelled, before Pansy grabbed my hand, making us faster than ever.

Quickly we reached the fields, but Bellatrix and Pansy's dad dropped down in front of us, forcing us to a stop.

"Pansy," her dad said, setting his hand out. "Don't be like them. Don't fight against what's right."

She shook her head. "I'm not. You are."

"Avada Kada-"

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled, causing Pany's dad to go flying back, making her gasp. "Oh god, I'm so sorry Nancy!"

"It's okay," she whispered, still having my hand in hers.

Draco, Enzo and Mattheo ran up to us, just as Lucius and Voldemort fell to the ground. Mattheo grabbed my hand, before pushing himself in front of me.

"You should listen to your father," Voldemort said, as he pointed his wand at Mattheo. "Join us, and you'll be safer than ever."

Mattheo shook his head. "You killed our friends. You are dead to me."

Draco took a deep breath, knowing we were surely dead meat now.

"Matty," I whispered, standing tightly against his back, whispering low enough for no one else to hear. "This is not going to end well." He took a deep breath, clearly knowing that I was right. "We need to get rid of Bellatrix. Without her it's a whole lot easier. Lucius is an easy target. You deal with him. I'll just need to get my mom, then we'll get your dad together."

Mattheo slowly turned his head, slightly. "Your mom?"

I sighed. "Bellatrix."

"Mattheo," Voldemort spoke, making our heads move to him. "You are my son. My-"

"Oh bullshit!" Mattheo yelled, shocking everyone.

Suddenly I stepped out. "I'll join," I said, walking forward.

"What?" Mattheo asked in shock. "Lee? What the hell! NO!"

I kept walking forward. "I'll join," I said, walking to Bellatrix. God I hoped this work. "Just stop killing us."

Bellatrix smiled. "That's my daughter."

"I'm sorry, mother," I said, before lifting my wand. "Crucio!" I yelled, suddenly making her fall to the ground in pain, before finally stinging herself to death.

I stumbled back, seeing the first person I had killed, being my mother. Mattheo leaped forward, catching me as I looked at Bellatrix's body with wide eyes.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco yelled, suddenly hitting his father, causing him to suddenly vanish into dust. He was shaking, but he was better off than me.

"Lee, it's okay," Mattheo whispered, making me look at him. "It's okay."

"Avada Kada-"

Suddenly I just flicked my wand, causing Voldemort's to fly out of his grasp. It flew into the sky, before Pansy threw a spell, shattering it into splinters. Voldemort looked at us in defeat, seeing no hesitation in my eyes as I stood up.

"You are better off dead!" I said, before pointing my wand at him. "Expelliarmus!"

Within seconds, Voldemort was no longer standing, now only dead on the floor. He was suddenly lifeless, no longer a problem to us.

I smiled in victory, turning around, when suddenly freezing. Mattheo looked at me, his hand on his stomach. Blood was everywhere. Behind him, Theo stood shaking with a knife in his hands. I was shaking, fear in my eyes as I saw Mattheo take a step back, before stumbling to the ground.

"No!" I yelled, running forward. I bent down over him, grabbing his hand.

"No, no, no. Matty? Matty! No! Stay awake. It's okay. Stay awake. Stay awake! Matty? Matty! Mattheo!"

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