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After the last three periods I headed back into the fields, looking for some quiet, place to sit and read, or even write Alex a letter.

Before I reached the stairs of the courtyard, I noticed a small figure sitting alone in a corner. His brown, curly hair facing down to a book on his lap. That exact book I remember having in my first year, Potions.

I tilted my head, walking over to him, sitting down on the bench next to him. He looked up at me, seeing a smile on my face, which immediately grew on his lips.

"Hello Austin. What you up to?" I asked cheerfully, just as he closed his books.

"Potions homework, but it's hard..." he sighed, looking at the books in his hands.

"Did you know that if you shine a blue light over the pages that you'll see the perfect methods?" I asked with a smile.

Austin tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, do all the books have it?" he asked confused.

I giggled. "No. But yours does."

Confused Austin's eyes shuffled from me to the book, then back to me. "How do you know? It's just a book..."

"It was my first-year potions book," I said with a smile. Austin still sat with wide eyes, confused. "The silver tape on the edges. I did that."

I took the book from him, showing him the silver tape wrapped around the edges of the book. A smile grew on Austin's lips as he took back the book. He traced his finger over the edges, making me smile.

I gently slid my hand over the front cover, flipping the page open and revealing an initial carved into the cover with silver ink; 'B. L.'

"This was my book," I smiled, seeing Austin's eyes look at me with amazement.

I stood up, smiling down at him. "Take care you little rattlesnake."

I saluted before walking off down the stairs, into the fields. I sat down on a rock behind Hagrid's hut and pulled out a piece of paper, writing a letter away.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now