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I trampled up the stairs to the Astronomy tower, before falling down onto a cushion. I pulled my Astronomy homework out and immediately started working on it. I enjoyed Astronomy, almost just as much as Herbology.

I was so lost in the drawing of the stars that I had not heard anyone enter or even seat themselves behind me. They watched over my shoulder, seeing me sketch the stars away. Easily for a few minutes, their breaths were silent, and their presence were unnoticed.

Randomly, I felt a light breeze flow over my shoulder. I swung around, knowing every window in the classroom was closed, tightly. I saw bright eyes look at me, unbothered by my fright. I pushed myself to stand up and shut my book close and push my pencil behind my ear.

"Hey!" I said in a fright.

He smiled, resting his arms on his knees. "You know-"

"How long have you been sitting there?" I interrupted, holding my book to my chest.

"Not long," he lied, before looking at the book in my hands. "Well, long enough to know you can really draw nicely," he smiled, looking back up at me.

I scoffed, taking a step back. "Well," I mumbled, looking a bit blushed from the compliment. "Don't ever sneak up on me like that ever again," I said stale, while positioning myself to stand more up strait.

"It really is nice-"

"Well it really is private," I interrupted again, clenching it closer to my chest.

"Sorry," he chuckled, shaking his head as he looked down.

"Well, that'll be me..." I said, feeling quite awkward. "Bye Matty."

Without waiting for an answer, I vanished out of the classroom and into the hallways. Why was I so shy and rushed when I was alone with Riddle? What could he possibly be doing that made me so crazy? Just a while ago I wanted to bite his head off, now, I don't know.

I trampled into the common room, falling down on a table in the corner, private and secure. I put my books down, before fishing out my Herbology homework. Before I could fish out my quill a little second-year stepped in front of the table, a book against his chest. I looked up, smiling at Austin's eyes.

"Hello little rattlesnake," I smiled, before noticing the familiar potions book in his grasps.

"Hello, miss Lee," he said carefully.

I giggled. "Just Lee will do," I said, admiring his charm.

"Sorry mi- Lee. But I was wondering if you could help me a bit with my homework?"

I smiled. "Of course little rattle." I grabbed the chair at the table next to me, pulling it next to me. "C'mon."

He smiled, sitting down. For at least an hour Austin and I sat, doing his Potions homework. It took me back to my second year with all the doodling I did in the corners of the book. After about forty-five minutes, I felt shivers, causing myself to look up. Right when I did, my eyes met Riddle's. He smiled at me, noticing me help Austin. He smirked, before pushing himself up from the door frame and walking back up the dorm room stairs. I was confused but shook it off and returned my attention to Austin.

"Do you understand now?" I asked, looking down at his satisfied smile.

He looked at me with bright eyes and nodded. "Thank you so much!"

I smiled, packing his books up for him. "Now hop along. It's late."

With a bright smile Austin vanished off to his dorm. I laughed, before heading to bed myself. Tomorrow was going to be a joy.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now