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After a small while, a little stupid brown hair-brown eyes sat down in front of me, next to Astoria. She rolled her eyes, and immediately looked at me and gave a grin, while moving away from him.

"Hello little Lee," Dylan smiled, looking me up and down. "A bit rude of you to have ignored me back there?"

"I gave you your answer didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow, before placing a slice of cheesecake in my mouth. "I said no."

He gave a chuckle, licking his lips. "Oh, come on Lee. One date?"

"No," I said, glaring at him.

He begged again, grabbing Malfoy's attention. Draco glared at Dylan, noticing that I wanted to smash a plate over his brown hair.

"Shove off Pawson!" Draco yelled, making Dylan look at him. I slowly looked at Draco, before he mouthed the word 'sorry'. "Walk off. She's not interested."

I looked at Dylan and smiled. "Come on kitty, shove off!"

Dylan gave one glare at me before standing up and walking away. I looked at Draco and gave him a smile, thanking him. He smiled back before turning to Blaise and Mattheo, continuing their conversation. So did I. I turned back to Astoria and Pansy, who had already begun a new one.

After dinner I walked down the hall, next to Pansy. I turned to her for barely a split second, when someone bumped into me, making me fall back into Pansy's arms. She pushed me up, helping me see a bushy-haired brunette stand in front of me, shocked. I looked her up and down, giving a chuckle.

"Watch where you're going Granger!" I spat, before giving a rude scoff.

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Sorry. I didn't recognize you with- I'm sorry!" she said in a rush.

I scoffed, before turning back around and continuing my walk.

Pansy stayed by my side and lift her nose. "Damn Gryffindors. Always having their nooses high like they are better than others..."

I looked Pansy up and down. Oh the irony.

We walked to our dorms andwent straight to bed. I mostly thought about my schoolwork and all thehappenings this year. Like the past five, I was planning on getting A's andA+'s. I worked hard on being on the quidditch team, so that was high priority.And lastly, boys were at the bottom of my list, by far.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now