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I stepped into the kitchen, before taking a glass off the counter. I opened the tap, pouring water into the glass. After taking a sip, I placed the cup back down in the sink.

Just as I turned around, I suddenly got a fright as I saw I figure in front of me. my eyes met Mattheo's causing me to widen my eyes.

"Mattheo?" I asked, a bit too loudly.

He threw his hand over my mouth, causing me to be quiet. He had a smile on his lips, smiling as he stared into my eyes. Slowly and carefully he removed his hand, causing me to finally take a breath. He placed his index finger on his lips, whispering, "shh."

"What are you doing here?" I asked in shock as I looked at the kitchen door before back at him.

He giggled. "I wanted to see you," he whispered, as I looked at the kitchen door again before back at him.

"You can't just show up at my house at six in the morning!" I said as I hit his arm.

"Why not?" he asked confused.

I scoffed as I glanced to the door. "Mattheo, you are not really welcomed in this house," I said, meeting his eyes again.

"Oh, come on princess. Why not?"

I looked at him, shaking my head slowly. "Matty, what are you doing here?"

He chuckled. "Well, like I said, I wanted to see you. Also I didn't want to just pop up on Christmas. I knew you'd be all bundled up with your family and all."

I giggled. "Yeah, something like that."

"Anyways. I just wanted to say Happy New year I guess."

I laughed. "Matty. You're seeing me in two days."

He shrugged. "I couldn't wait." I laughed, before he noticed my hair. "Wait, you dyed your hair?" he asked in shock as he stroked the piece that hung in front of my eyes. I moved back, stopping him from moving it behind my ear.

"I like it dark, so I tried something new."

Mattheo laughed. "The others will probably not be surprised."

I frowned, but before I could say something, I heard footsteps enter the kitchen. I looked past Mattheo, seeing Ginny standing at the door, wiping her eyes. He stepped behind me, making me see her more clearly.

"Lee? What the hell is going on here?" she asked as she looked at me.

I opened my eyes widely. "Ginny. I can explain!" I said as I took a step forward.

"Well what's to explain? You woke up at six. But why are you downstairs?"

I frowned, before looking behind me, noticing that Mattheo was completely gone. I turned back to Ginny, seeing her confused.

"Well, I thought maybe we'd give your mum an off day. I mean, like we cook breakfast and lunch, and the boys can handle dinner. So maybe we make an easy breakfast? I don't know... Scrambled eggs and toast?"

Ginny smiled. "I love that idea," she said as she entered deeper into the kitchen.

I sighed in relief. "Great! I just quickly need the loo, then I'll be back!"

She nodded, before pulling a few pans out of the cupboards. I quickly made my way to the downstairs bathroom, where I locked myself in.

"Hello princess," Mattheo said, scaring the life out of me. I spun around, accidently hitting him through the face.

"Oh god Matty!" I said in fury. "What the hell?!"

He laughed. "Look, I just wanted to give you this," he said, handing out a little box.

I frowned. "What is this?" I asked as I took it.

He smiled. "A Christmas present."

I looked at him in surprise. "A present?" I asked confused.

He nodded, gesturing for me to open it. I grew a small, soft smile before I unwrapped the little box. Suddenly my eyes met a silver necklace. It had a small silver and light green snake attached, which would match my brooch.

"Matty?" I said as I looked back up, meeting his eyes. "Why did you-"

"Two days were to long of a wait," he said, making me giggle. "Here, let me put it on for you."

I turned around, before moving my hair out from around my neck. He wrapped the necklace around my neck before binding it together at the back. I turned back around, making sure my hair still covered my right eye. I knew there was still a bruise, which I didn't want to show.

"Thank you Matty," I said, making him smile.

Suddenly there was a knock on the bathroom door, grabbing my attention. "Lee, are you okay in there?" Ginny asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm coming."

I turned around, but Mattheo was gone, and the window was opened. I smiled, before exiting the bathroom, finding Ginny waiting for me.

"I already started with the eggs, and the first few slices of toast are in."

I smiled. "Thank you for helping me."


Alex and I left the house for a light stroll before dinner. The sun was still up but burning low.

"So, tell me about this, Riddle boy," Alex said as we entered the park.

I looked at him and gave a light smile. "Well, for one I don't think he is as bad as he sounds." Alex scoffed. "Oh, come on Alex. You don't even know him."

"What I do know is that I don't like you being around boys."

I looked at Alex, rolling my eyes. "Draco? Enzo? Blaise?"

"They are our friends-"

"And Mattheo is mine," I said, making him roll his eyes. "He is actually kind. Caring. He isn't as big as a doosh bag as everyone claims he is. I mean, sure he got into a small fight or two, but nothing fatal."

Mattheo looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked confused.

"What's the deal between you two?" he asked, looking down at me.

I shook my head in confusion. "What do you mean?" I asked as we exited the park again.

"Like, are you dating? Or something?"

I laughed. "No we're not. We're just good friends.'

"Very good friends?" Alex asked, sounding like he wasn't believing me.

"Yeah, very, very good friends."

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now